Joe Biden kicks off 'one more great year in the books'
Joe Biden, or whoever tweets for him while he's on one of his many vacations, has sent out his new year's greetings to the public, patting himself on the back:
One more great year in the books.
— President Biden (@POTUS) December 30, 2023
To read that, you'd think he lived on another planet.
With inflation still hitting Americans in the pocketbooks, the border wide open, and crime and corruption hitting levels not seen since the 1990s, it's surreal to read that. He names a bric-a-brac of tiny "accomplishments" which affect very small interest groups as if they are grand Roosevelt-like changes, supposedly for the better as government grows bigger and more powerful and then tries to claim that it all adds up to a great presidency.
Which tells us a little more than we might want to know about the Biden administration -- that they are out of touch -- and think that they can fix their bad reputation with voters by blatantly ignoring the big picture and claiming greatness with minor tweaks. In reality, they're making matters even worse for themselves than they already are with their phony gaslights about a presidency full of self-delusional accomplishments, as if repeating their claims over and over will somehow change public perceptions.
The only thing they won't do is change course to really fix things.
Yet rather than trying to persuade Americans that Biden's on their side somehow, even with all their broad policy failures, with a claim that he feels our pain, or something, he's insisting he's done something great and by extension, he's great.
Gee, imagine more of this 'greatness' for another four years.
Most Americans have concluded otherwise, months ago, with Biden's previous policy failures. Cumulatively, they have been moving away from Biden in a dynamic that builds upon itself. One key inflection point in many public approval polls was reached around the time of Biden's chaotic pullout in Afghanistan -- when his public approval ratings started to move downward. And sure enough, at that time he was denying anything was wrong then.
To read a message like this new year's greeting, then, seems like a recipe for another public reaction of this kind, a decisive move that will pull his public approval down to the point of no return.
Yet instead of recognize that there's a problem and changing course, or at least claiming empathy for all the misery he's caused, Biden's trying to gaslight Americans into disbelieving their own eyes, their own experience, their own bank books, as if the halt to inflationary money printing in the past few months can erase the months upon months of gains in inflation dating from the beginning of his presidency, back when the Bidenites were calling inflation 'transitory' or when Alejandro Mayorkas was claiming 'the border is secure.'
It's bound to make voters madder than ever, madder than simply saying nothing.
Image: Drew de F Fawkes, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED