Gen Z is the LGBTQ+ generation, and it’s a very broken generation, too

According to a recent survey, almost 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ+. This is what happens when the culture—education, the media, and the entertainment world—relentlessly promotes a belief system, even one that is antithetical to reality. It’s probably not a coincidence that Zoomers also have a 20% absentee rate because of mental health needs.

The human mind needs to have belief systems. Without these systems, the chaos of the world around us is untenable and unnavigable. For two thousand years, the belief system in the West came from the Judeo-Christian Bible. Its values slowly but steadily led to the most productive and humane cultures in the history of the world.

The Bible’s core belief, the one that underpins Western culture, is that there are two sexes and that they are complementary but different. This core belief, arrived at long before modern science, got it right. In human biology, there are also only two subsets of the human species: male and female.

Image: Adam and Eve by Lucas Cranach the Elder.

Men and women have different DNA, different physical structures, and different reproductive capacities. Their bodies, on average, are tuned towards supporting those reproductive capacities, right down to women’s super-sense of smell, which is useful when it comes to caring for babies, and men’s greater physical strength, which is useful for grappling with the hostile earth to obtain food and create shelter for mothers and children.

Leftists, however, have broken with the Bible. Their belief system is societal perfectability through Big Government. But to get people to believe in that government, they must break the strongest glue in any society: The family unit. In the West, that unit is mother, father, and children, along with extended family members.

But when you break a cultural and biological norm, what replaces it? To quote G.K. Chesterton, “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.” In this case, “anything” is the biological fallacy that both sex and sexual orientation are either biologically hardwired or infinitely malleable, whichever happens to suit the needs of the moment.

Thus, if you’re homosexual, to paraphrase Lady Gaga, baby, you were born that way, making it a rigid, unchangeable human condition. However, if you have XY chromosomes and a full set of male sexual organs, you can still claim that you’re actually a woman, or maybe nothing at all, or maybe you’re not even fully human, identifying as a bug or a goat.

This ludicrous escape from cultural norms and reality has relentlessly permeated the West for almost 20 years. The Disney brand, once a reliable companion for families who wanted wholesome fare for their children, has become groomer-central, with its products constantly telling children that “sex,” “gender,” “gender identity,” “sexual orientation,” etc., are all subject to a person’s feelings.

As Libs of TikTok has demonstrated for years, America’s education establishment has also engaged in non-stop LGBTQ+ conversion therapy and the hyper-sexualization of children. Here are just two of the most recent examples of what goes on in America’s schools:

The result of this indoctrination is children who are literally Maoists or Hitler Youth, willing to disavow their parents to curry favor with the state:

Given the direction in which leftists have taken America’s culture in recent decades, it’s not surprising to learn that almost 30% of the children who were on the front lines of this indoctrination when it first began claim to be LGBTQ+:

More than 1 in 4 Gen Z adults in the U.S. identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer, dwarfing the percentages of LGBTQ Americans in older age groups, a new survey has found.

Twenty-eight percent of Gen Z adults — which the survey’s researchers specify as those ages 18 to 25 — identify as LGBTQ, according to a report released this week by the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI. That compares with 10% of all adults, 16% of millennials, 7% of Generation X, 4% of baby boomers and 4% of the Silent Generation, the institute found.  

These numbers defy biological reality. They can occur only because of indoctrination, leaving kids unanchored to traditional norms and biology. They show the truth of Chesterton’s aphorism, for Zoomers clearly will believe anything.

But believing what’s so obviously untrue is hard work. Having reality screaming at you constantly, even as you deny it, is emotionally draining. Cognitive dissonance is no fun. That may explain another study about Zoomers, which is that they are emotionally fragile to the point of being unable to function:

Gen Z and young millennial employees in Britain are missing the equivalent of a day’s work every week due to mental health struggles, new research has shown.

Analysis by Vitality, the health and life insurer with over 30 million members worldwide, found that the average worker in the U.K. feels unable to work for almost 50 days a year—costing the British economy a staggering £138 billion ($176 billion).

For those under 30 years old, the number of productive days lost rises to 60, while Gen X and Baby Boomers say they are mentally absent for an average of 36.3 work days a year—marking a stark 64% difference.

Of course, this dysfunction isn’t solely because of gender confusion. These young people are being lied to about everything. They’re told that they’re facing an existential climate change crisis, that unlimited Third World immigration into developed countries is a benefit, that race trumps character and conduct, that Islam is a religion of peace, and many other manifest lies that require constant psychological effort to accept. Add in the push to feed them amphetamines (under the guise of ADHD drugs) and marijuana (under the guise of drug liberty), and you have a broken generation.

We have raised profoundly damaged people. The question is, what happens with them? I keep thinking of the Jews in Exodus wandering for 40 years in the desert to purge them of the last holdouts from the slave generation in Egypt. The point is that some people are irredeemably destroyed by their experiences. They cannot be made into healthy, free citizens. Can Gen Z and the ones following on their heels ever be turned around?

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