Democrats spreading phony tales of Republicans wanting to ban things to scare people

Democrats seem to have gotten a new round of talking points and lately have been complaining about Republicans supposedly wanting to ban things.

Here are a couple of examples:

Biden Says Republicans ‘Doubling Down’ With Plan for Nationwide Abortion Ban

Republicans will do anything to ban books, even saying they cause porn addiction

Most of it is leftist hysteria.

But to look at at least some of what they call 'bans,' is not what normal people would think of as 'bans.'

There is a lot of difference between bans and limits: 

Very few Republicans, especially the ones running for office, are suggesting a nationwide ban on abortion yet that is what the media and other Democrats are telling the public every day as they troll for votes. 
Republicans, like most of the world, are seeking limits. Roe v. Wade was supposed to be for first trimester abortions. European countries generally limit abortions to around the first trimester. The majority of Americans want limits around the first trimester. Few countries, including China and North Korea, have no limits yet; that is essentially what Biden, Harriis, and most Democrats, including the complicit media, are campaigning for. 
There are generally a couple of proper exceptions to the limits, and they are when the health or the life of the mother is in danger. 
The media and other Democrats also put out the false talking points that Republicans are banning books. They are not. They are trying to limit children from reading certain inappropriate books for their age. Children have always been blocked from reading certain books, especially pornographic ones. That is not a ban. 
The false talking points also go out that Republicans are trying to ban transgender surgery. Again, that is not true. They are trying to prevent children from having this major surgery to cut off their genitals and breasts. Children, in general, are prevented from making medical decisions yet somehow,  a significant number of journalists and other Democrats somehow believe it is O.K. to make this massive life-altering decision at a young age. That seems preposterous to Republicans, and my guess is a significant majority of Americans. 
Very few things have an outright ban in America but we live under a huge number of limits:
Here is a small sample:
Marriage is not banned but is limited to people above certain ages, decided by states, generally 16 or 18. 
Contracts are not banned but only people of certain ages can sign for them to be legal. 
Driving is not banned but is limited to people over age 16 who have passed a driver's exam. People can be banned from driving if they have too many tickets or can't see. 
Voting is not banned, but is supposed to be limited to people who are over 18, who live in certain jurisdictions, who are U.S. Citizens, and who are alive. Women used to be banned from voting, but thankfully the Constitution was changed. 
X-rated movies are not banned, but are limited to people above a certain age. 
Liquor is not banned, like it was during Prohibition, but it is limited to people of a certain age. People are also supposed to be banned from driving if they drink too much. Liquor can even be sold on the internet but children are supposed to be banned from buying it.
Cigarettes are not banned but sales are limited to people over the age of 21.
Flying is not banned, but it is supposed to be limited to people who have a photo ID and who are not on a no-fly list. 
Sadly, the Biden administration has decided that illegals should have an exception to the photo-ID rule. I wonder what could go wrong
Migrants who have entered the country using President Biden’s new CBP (Customs and Border Protection) One app — at least 422,000 — can fly domestically without photo ID. 

A sign posted in Miami International Airport tells migrants, “1. Notify the TSA officer that you are a migrant. 2. The TSA officer will take a photo (optional). 3. If requested, provide your alien identification number or biographic information.”

A lot of medication is not banned but is limited to people over a certain age. 

It is Democrats who are trying to ban things that the public should be scared about: 

They are seeking to ban the purchase of gas-powered vehicles, appliances, and furnaces.

It is good that there is at least one car company CEO who recognizes the disaster that this is and wants politicians to keep their nose out of it.

Dose of Reality: Toyota Chairman Says EVs Will Only Take Up 30% of Car Market, Pols Should Stand Aside

Obamacare sought to ban people from having the option to buy more basic insurance policies that are cheaper. 

People were even banned from working at many places if they made the choice not to take a vaccine during the COVID pandemic and lockdowns. 

The Constitution bans some things that a huge majority of Democrats seem to ignore:

The courts are banned from making laws and changing the Constitution. A ruling by the courts on Roe v. Wade did not create a Constitutional right or law. 

The executive branch does not have the right to spend money, impose taxes, or make laws without going through the legislative branch. They ignore this ban all the time, whether it is on what type of vehicle we drive, when Biden dictatorially forgave student loans, or when Obama dictatorially changed immigration law with DACA.

It is a true disservice when most of the media have essentially become Democrat campaign workers like when they misinform the public by using words like ban falsely. They interfere in our elections every day. Misinformation to most of the media is anyone who disagrees with them.

Image. Pixabay / Pixabay License

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