UPDATED: AZGOP’s Jeff DeWit caught (on tape) attempting to bribe Kari Lake at the behest of powerful people ‘back east’
(UPDATE: Jeff DeWit has just resigned.)
Jeff DeWit is the Arizona Republican Party’s chairman, and he just “got caught in 4K.” (That’s the new “caught red-handed” term, given the proliferation of technology and easy recording.)
Now, Napoleon Bonaparte purportedly said that in politics, “stupidity is not a handicap.” Well, I used to agree… but that was until DeWit, a seasoned politician, tried bribing a leading MAGA star who he knew spent a career as a journalist—I mean seriously, the fact that this man “represents” conservatives while being so painfully unaware and obtuse is arguably more shameful than the fact that he’s a corrupt and slimy little sewer rat.
Now, back in March 2023, Kari Lake spoke at CPAC and revealed that “someone” had been sent to bribe her out of politics; see a report at the time below, via The Independent:
Kari Lake spins tale of attempted bribery to drop out of politics
Failed Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake said at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday that someone showed up at her door and bribed her to get out of politics.
She said that the person offered a position on a board and a large salary, which she refused to do.
‘This person standing before me was sent at the request of some powerful people back East,’ she said. ‘They want me out of politics. But what a minute, I thought already stopped us? Why are they so afraid, I thought they already stopped our movement.’
Well as it turns out it was real, and that “someone” was DeWit; see below, from an exclusive report published by Daily Mail yesterday:
An audio recording obtained by DailyMail.com reveals the extraordinary moment when what appears to be Arizona's top Republican official tried to bribe populist firebrand Kari Lake not to run in the state's Senate race.
Jeff DeWit, 51, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, can be heard asking Lake, a close ally of Donald Trump, to name her price to stay out of politics for two years.
‘There are very powerful people who want to keep you out,’ he tells her in a conversation recorded at the start of March last year.
If you listen to the conversation, you’ll be reminded of three very important truths:
D.C. is a sewer, not a swamp, and no one can be trusted, especially Republicans. A swamp is actually a thriving ecosystem; a sewer is a filthy cesspool of excrement hidden below the surface and away from the light of day. First of all, this is a high-profile Republican Party official trying to get the America First queen to sell her soul for a bit of cash and cushy “employment” where she can just be a “talking head” for the populist movement, but not seriously involved. Secondly, at the beginning of the clip, we hear Lake say “they” (as in the “powerful people … back east”) “should” want her as a candidate—obviously, “they” are other “Republicans.” When Lake then asserts that “these people” are “corrupt” we hear DeWit respond with, “well, maybe you’re right.” To be polite and avoid the colorful saying, DeWit certainly isn’t a “Sherlock.” I mean, he’s literally in the middle of a bribery excursion, at the behest of rich and powerful shadowy creeps, trying to undermine the America First movement, and betray all the people who counted on him as a conservative leader, and every other American who wants America to survive. (But then again, he literally got caught on a wire by someone he knew was a cunning journalist.)
Corporations are complicit in the rampant political corruption plaguing America. Before DeWit asks Lake to name her price, he suggested one solution to get her out of the game was to solicit a “company” that would allow Lake to “work” for them and collect a hefty “salary.” This is nothing new—Arizona’s former governor Doug Ducey (real name Roscoe) is a “scion of an infamous Ohio organized-crime family” who interned with Hensley Beverage Company, a business owned by John McCain’s father-in-law and also tied to organized crime, and also served as Cold Stone Creamery’s CEO. Martha McSally, a failed politician who handed over a number of Republican-held federal seats to Democrats, now holds a board member position with private war machine company CAES.
Like President Trump, Kari Lake scares the establishment. It’s the ruling class establishment, along with their useful idiots in the working class, against the true working class people who love America, and we’ve seen what “they” will do when an outsider rocks the boat—Trump suffered through two impeachments in four years, endless media attacks, and more lawsuits than I know. As he’s reminded us, “they” are not after him, but after us.
Now, I was conditioned to be a cynic after being deeply involved in “conservative” politics in Arizona, so I was someone who was anti-Lake from the outset because the AZGOP adored her… until they didn’t. If you recall, DeWit exhibited “conspicuous silence” about Lake’s election challenges, and many of Arizona’s movers and shakers harassed her to drop her lawsuits—at this point, I became a loyal supporter.
This fight is so much bigger than just one election.
— Kari Lake (@KariLake) March 22, 2023
It's a battle to end corruption and restore our God-given rights.
It certainly hasn't been an easy one.
But the most rewarding struggles never are. pic.twitter.com/KP2Jb69Qsp
So, I don’t say this lightly, but Lake needs to be President Trump’s running mate.