With only Joe Biden to fear, Venezuela steps up its aggression against Guyana

Venezuela's Marxist dictator, Nicolas Maduro, is acting as though he has nothing to fear from Joe Biden.

In the wake of his fraudy referendum this past weekend on Venezuelan sovereignty over Guyana, which passed with empty polling stations, official claims of 10 million votes, and passage by a 98% margin, Biden hasn't said anything. Now Maduro is moving in for the kill. 

Yesterday, he declared the Guyanese territory in question, known as the Essequibo in Venezuela's Spanish, or Esequiba in Guyana's English, some 78% of Guyana's land, Venezuela's 24th province:


He even printed out maps for it:



He mobilized troops, creating a new Guyana force:



...which, not surprisingly is a third-world clown show:



All the same, Brazil is taking it seriously, launching a defensive military response to its northern border:




CATO Institute Venezuela analyst, Daniel Raisman, points out that even with that Venezuelan clown show-military, Guyana is grossly outnumbered:

The balance of power between Venezuela and Guyana heavily favors Venezuela, which could also suggest the use of force. According to figures published by Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, the Venezuelan military counts 123,000 active personnel versus a mere 3,400 for Guyana. The latter country is badly outgunned in terms of weaponry, such as armored vehicles (514 vs. 6).

Military analysts, Folha’s Igor Gielow notes, believe that Venezuela’s socialism‐​induced economic crisis has made its capacity to wage war look far stronger on paper than it is in fact, however. For instance, roughly half of the fleet of 24 Russian‐​built Sukhoi Su‐​30 fighter aircraft is considered fit to fly.

“But even as a paper tiger,” Gielow adds, Venezuela “is a colossus compared to Guyana.” Regarding the feasibility of an invasion: “a good part of the 800‐​kilometer‐​long border between Venezuela and Esequiba consists of dense jungle, which is impenetrable save for small units,” whereas operations with armored vehicles are “prohibitive.”

His superb, must-read report, is here.

Meanwhile, Maduro is acting as though he's already conquered the Esequiba:



With lots of virtue-signaling for the Western leftists, Maduro, who's one of the world's worst polluters, says he's only concerned about the environment and all:



He's also getting the ground ready for an attack by rounding up Venezuela's opposition, which opposes the caper:


He's throwing in a made-up ExxonMobil bribery charge, significant because ExxonMobil is the one that has discovered oil in Guyana's Esequiba region, the very oil that has made Maduro hungry for conquest of his neighbor. Maduro's laying the groundwork for a treason charge:

Not surprisingly, Guyana is sounding the tocsin, recognizing that it's about to be eaten by a predator



Guyana's president is calling on the United Nations, India, Cuba, anyone, just not the United States, to help his country which has only its inpenetrable Esequiba jungle to protect it. 

Raisman says the most likely invasion route may be an amphibous landing, given that crossing it, like it's some place that has roads, is virtually impossible. 

As for the U.S., some in Congress are calling for Biden's sanctions relief on Venezuela, his infamous oil-for-democracy deal, to be "snapped back" in light of its obvious violation of the terms and let Maduro drink his oil.

Biden likes to drop sanctions a lot in dirty dictatorships -- and the result is always the same.

Iran, recall, launched its attack on Israel on October 7 through its Hamas proxies, right after Biden lifted sanctions on that evil regime. Biden also dropped sanctions on Venezuela -- to get a slice of Venezuela's oil, so that energy prices would go down in the states and his re-election would be assured. He has a diplomatic team known as the "three stooges" making these decisions. Whether it's Iran with Israel, Russia with Ukraine (he allowed a Russian pipeline to go to Germany), Biden loves to scrap sanctions on these rogue regimes, and monkey-see, monkey-do, they attack their neighbors. They know that with Biden at the helm, they have nothing to fear from the U.S.

For them, it's as if another Jim Jones is present, a Marxist madman from another country, seeking to rain death through the Guyanese jungle.

Now a disaster looks likely, the umpteenth of Joe Biden's presidency, and don't think there won't be millions more illegal border crossers that come of this.

Maduro is acting as if he has nothing in the world to fear from an annexation of his neighbor from the United States. It's invasion season now that Joe Biden is doddering away at the White House -- invasions of every kind -- and the time to strike is now.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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