Third-world clown show: Nicaragua's dictator charges Miss Universe organizer with treason
Dictators normally try to get in on the act when a national sports team wins, or a local beauty wins an international beauty pageant.
Not so Nicaragua's little dictator, Daniel Ortega, who runs his communist regime as hellishly as the great Ronald Reagan said he would.
Ortega ordered the arrest of the organizer of the Miss Universe pageant winner -- for treason, according to a news report by Juan Forero at the Wall Street Journal:
MEXICO CITY—Nicaragua’s government charged the owner of the local Miss Universe franchise with treason, organized crime and inciting hatred as part of a plot to overthrow President Daniel Ortega’s regime two weeks after the country’s first victory in the pageant.
Nicaraguan police accused the contest’s local organizer, Karen Celebertti, a past beauty queen and owner of a modeling agency, her husband and son of rigging contests so that antigovernment winners would emerge at the pageants.
Celebertti and her family had conspired to turn “innocent beauty pageants into political traps and ambushes financed by foreign agents” to overthrow the government, Nicaragua’s police said in a statement late Friday.
Celebertti was banned from entering the country and her husband and son have been detained by Nicaraguan authorities. Celebertti couldn’t be reached for comment.
See, they knew this girl, Sheynnis Palacios, was going to win the pageant, a title Nicaragua had never won before, so they made sure she was a candidate who couldn't stand Ortega, as if the vast majority of Nicaraguans didn't feel exactly the same way.
The fact that she was extremely beautiful and beat out all the other competing contestants from several dozen countries as a surprise winner had nothing, nothing at all, to do with it. She was only there, holding her flowers, balancing her tiara in her heavy evening gown and speaking of whirled peas, to Get Ortega.
And in any case, socialist hellholes are famous for favoring muscle-bound comrade women with mustaches and angry faces over actual beauty-queen caliber women who populate Nicaragua.
In any case, the paranoid narrative explained is absolutely nuts.
Which tells you a lot about how paranoid the old creep has become in his nasty communist tyranny.
Here's what Nicaragua's last election was like, according to Forero's report:
The charges against the beauty contest organizers are the latest attempt by the Ortega regime to monopolize power since he won the presidency in 2021 in an election condemned as fraudulent by the U.S. and the European Union. He ran unopposed after detaining or imprisoning all seven opposition candidates before the poll.
Kind of sounds like a nearby country we know.
The fact that Nicaraguans were thrilled to pieces about Palacios' victory, celebrating for days in the streets, dancing, sending off fireworks, waving flags, honking horns at the news of their lovely beauty queen voted the most beautiful in all the universe, had a lot more to do with it. Like the ordinary Nicaraguans, she was one of them, from a humble background, and like them again, she had participated in anti-Ortega protests after the old fraud had stolen his last election. They danced, sang and cheered when she won.
Nobody celebrates like that for Ortega, or his beyond-ugly wife, Rosario Murillo, who could easily win a contest for the ugliest woman in the universe herself.
Here's what the nasty old witch -- and yeah, I've heard she is a real witch, a witchcraft witch -- had to cackle:
“We are seeing a vulgar and clumsy attempt by evil, terrorist communicators to turn a well deserved moment of pride into a celebration of destructive coup-spreading,” Murillo said on Nicaraguan television.
That's an ugly, jealous, hag snarling at a blameless 23-year-old. And yes, the regime has it in for her, too, they're going to get her eventually. Forero notes that she doesn't dare go back to her country after her tiara victory in San Salvador two weeks ago.
The government pretty well let her know why:
Before her victory, government media called Palacios Ms. Dumplings, a reference to the sweet cakes she sold as a youth. The government abruptly changed its position, cheering her victory at the beauty pageant only to switch again after the outpouring of joy throughout Nicaragua.
In the city of Estelí in northern Nicaragua, police stopped art students from painting a street mural of Palacios, then whitewashed the half-finished painting, according to social media postings by Estelí residents.
They're really threatened by her, aren't they? They're having a cow, they're going bonkers over that tiara.
And Palacios hasn't said a thing.
That is behavior even worse than the sorts of things that have been dealt to various Miss Venezuelas who won Miss Universe titles under the late, unlamented, Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who was plenty malevolent.
Miss Venezuela of 2009, Stefania Fernandez, actually staged a covert protest on the stage of Miss Universe on the day she turned over her crown to her successor, and nothing that is known to us apparently happened to her. I wrote about that little protest here.
Obviously, something is wrong with the Ortega pair. Nobody should be that threatened by a 23-year-old beauty queen who has yet to open her mouth.
It tells us a lot that the Ortega gang are.
Image: Screen shot from PageantTube video, via Twitter