So is Biden going to lecture tinpot dictatorships about not imprisoning their opponents now that Trump is off the Colorado ballot?
Now that President Trump has been taken off the ballot by a nest of rabid Democrats in Colorado, Joe Biden can take a bow for bringing the U.S. squarely into the third world.
According to the New York Times:
Colorado’s top court ruled on Tuesday that former President Donald J. Trump is disqualified from holding office again because he engaged in insurrection with his actions leading up to the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol, an explosive ruling that is likely to put the basic contours of the 2024 election in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Colorado Supreme Court was the first in the nation to find that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — which disqualifies people who engage in insurrection against the Constitution after taking an oath to support it — applies to Mr. Trump, an argument that his opponents have been making around the country.
The ruling directs the Colorado secretary of state to exclude Mr. Trump’s name from the state’s Republican primary ballot. It does not address the general election.
Trump has not been charged with 'insurrection' nor has he been convicted of a slew of drummed-up charges by Biden's special prosecutor. But no matter to the Colorado judges. Sentence first, then trial. Trump is as good as jailed for them.
Boing, boing, boing.
It's a beyond-disgusting ruling with potentially grave consequences for the future of the U.S. It also opens the gates for other states to disqualify candidates their justices don't like. There might be some blue states, or even red states, that follow suit, making U.S. elections quite the tinpot dictatorship thought-leader on elections even as the U.S. strives to catch up.
What's bad here is that no matter how this matter goes as challenges are filed, the U.S. has lost global stature.
Tinpot regimes everywhere are rejoicing, because what they see going on in the states ... is the same trash they pull back home on their own dissidents.
What's Joe Biden going to say to Venezuela's dictator, Nicolas Maduro, about his acts to disqualify Maria Corina Machado from Venezuela's presidential ballot?
What's Joe Biden going to say to Nicaragua's beyond-crummy little dictator, Daniel Ortega, who threw all seven of political opponents in jail to get them off the ballot in the last Nicaraguan election that he "won" last year?
What's Joe Biden going to say to Russia's Vladimir Putin, who seems to have "disappeared" his political opponent, Alexey Navalny, to prevent him from running against him in the upcoming election? Navalny has disappeared in some Siberian Gulag and suddenly nobody knows where to find him.
What's Joe Biden going to say to Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky, who jails his potential rivals, too?
And while this is not presidential politics, what's Joe Biden going to say to China's Xi Jinping, who's got newspaper magnate Jimmy Lai on trial for printing the truth as he found it, and is facing a long laogai (China's Gulag) term through a Chicom kangaroo court?
Every one of these cases is a textbook case of what tinpot dictators do -- they disqualify their opponents from running for office and frequently jail them, too.
In the past, this was the sort of thing you could find in a low-grade African dictatorship, and it was so low-lifey it was obvious.
Now, we are seeing this trash happen in rapid sequence, in Latin America, Asia, and beyond. It's even spread as close as Brazil, where the ruling socialists have barred President Jair Bolsonaro from running for office for eight years, knowing full well how popular he is.
But now, under socialist rule here, this same dissident-banning practice has spread to the United States.
It's the height of hypocrisy. After all, weren't there lists and lists of dictators who banned their opponents a few years ago when some of President Trump's supporters shouted 'lock her up,' meaning, Trump's rival of 2016, Hillary Clinton?
Eric Holder, Garry Kasparov -- they were full of tut-tutting at dictatorships that threw their opponents in jail, forecasting the end of the republic, even though nothing in the end ever happened to Clinton. In the press, there was list after list after list after list.
What is Joe Biden going to say when these dictators -- and there are probably more than just the ones named -- laugh in his face?
He won't have a leg to stand on. This kangaroo court act to bar President Trump from public office has up until now only been found in night-haunted dictatorships. Joe Biden has brought it here.
So much for American exceptionalism. We're as crappy as the worst of them out there in places where people don't migrate.
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