Pennsylvania school board president forsakes convention and swears in on LGBTQ++ pornography

Taking a sworn oath of office on a Bible meant that you were imperiling your immortal soul if you lied or broke your oath. What in the world are you committing to when you swear in on erotic quasi-fiction for pederasts and groomers?

Well, I can’t answer that question, but Karen Smith, an incumbent school board president for Central Bucks School District in Doylestown, Pennsylvania sure could! Last week, Smith was reelected to “serve” as head of the board, and instead of ceremoniously swearing in on a Bible, she opted for a stack of “banned” books, including at least three controversial items given their explicit and pornographic LGBTQ++ content.

What else would you expect though? The modern Democrat party is completely off the rails abusing and sexualizing children, so naturally, young boys “shoving hot dogs up against their butts while alluding to gay sex,” group masturbation, and a “step-by-step description” of being gay and giving and receiving anal sex is a better representation of Smith’s values, and what she hopes to bring to the public schools under her tutelage. From a Fox News report:

One of the books Smith placed her hand on is ‘Flamer,’ by … author … Mike Curato. Released in 2020, Curato’s work is a semi-autobiographical graphic novel set in 1995. It tells the story of a character who is bullied at a Boy Scouts summer camp for ‘acting in a manner considered stereotypical of gay men.’ The graphic novel includes characters discussing pornography, erections, masturbation, penis size, and an illustration that depicts naked teenage boys. 

According to Chris Ullery at the Bucks County Courier Times, Smith’s stack also included “Beyond Magenta” and “All Boys Aren’t Blue”; the former includes passages about a six-year-old little boy performing oral sex on other little boys and talking to “pedophiles” who masturbated in front of him, while the latter focuses on homosexual experiences, described in graphic detail.

Oh, but if you speak out against this filthy development? You might just find yourself on a domestic terrorist watchlist, or on the receiving end of a visit from Merrick Garland’s henchman at the DOJ.

I would strongly encourage Ms. Smith to read just one verse from the book she treats with such disregard, which can be found in Isaiah: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

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