Mexico begins building its own northern border wall, doing the job Joe Biden won't do
Border surge?
As Joe Biden keeps saying 'what crisis?' and fails to stop it, the Mexicans have apparently gotten sick of this.
They're out building their own border wall, or at least, starter fence, now.
According to the San Diego Union-Tribune:
Just south of the border wall in San Ysidro, Mexican officials have installed a chain link fence reinforced with razor wire at the top and bottom that prevents entry to a section of the Tijuana River channel, identified as one of the main points for migrants crossing into San Diego.
Behind the barrier, Mexican National Guard and immigration agents keep watch at all times.
Just south of the border wall in San Ysidro, Mexican officials have installed a chain link fence reinforced with razor wire at the top and bottom that prevents entry to a section of the Tijuana River channel, identified as one of the main points for migrants crossing into San Diego.
Behind the barrier, Mexican National Guard and immigration agents keep watch at all times.
Since its installation last month, the number of migrants crossing in that area has decreased. However, it has increased in others spots farther east, such as Jacumé in Tecate, just south of the border from Jacumba Hot Springs, according to Mexican officials. As a result, Mexican federal agents have increased their presence there, as well.
Wow. When the migrants move, the Mexicans stop them in the next spot, too. They know how this works.
And they understand very well the gaslighting of the open-borders lobby effectively shilling for the Mexican cartels who make billions from these crossings:
Mexican officials have defended the installation of the new fence in Tijuana. In a statement last month, Enrique Lucero, head of Tijuana’s Migrant Affairs Office, said the new fence did not violate migrants’ right to request asylum “since this point is not a legal port of entry to request asylum.”
No kidding.
They know this is an open border and they also know that this arrangement has wrought havoc on their own country as nationals from more than 150 countries stream in, now in numbers exceeding ten thousand entering the U.S. each day. Unlike the Biden administration, they known the nationals in the border zones in their own country are being hit hard.
After all, Mexicans are being driven from their homes based on cartel human-smuggling activity around Joe's open borders.
As I noted here last month:
InSightCrime reports that Mexicans in northern Sonora state are so under siege from cartel infighting over the migrant smuggling trade they are now fleeing their homes -- and into the U.S.
According to InSightCrime:
On a recent November evening, residents of Sásabe, a small outpost on the US-Mexico border, received threatening messages warning of an impending attack. The next morning, they awoke to several houses engulfed in flames and dozens of men with high-powered weapons shooting at each other around the main plaza.
Hours later, nearly 100 locals, among them elderly men and women and young children, took off for the US-Mexico border. They found a hole in the border fence, crossed into the United States, and pleaded with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials to protect them.
Border cities have also been shut down as cartels fight for turf, as I wrote about here:
Cartels don't go to "war" like this unless a lot of money is at stake. And there is.
Joe Biden's open borders policies have led to a full-blown war zone at the very edge of the U.S., with scenes like these, all because of the money and power at stake. It's compounded by the Mexican federal government's coddling of cartels. That's a toxic, explosive mixture that has led to this actual national security crisis.
Why would three cartels set off this level of violence to gain control of Tijuana? Well, look at the map — Tijuana is the gateway to San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose, Riverside, Las Vegas, Fresno, Sacramento, San Francisco, and beyond, all huge markets of intense interest to Mexican drug-smugglers and human-traffickers. Biden's dinner triangle to illegal aliens still breaking into the country has led to more than a million illegal border crossings since his administration took office. With the U.S. no longer controlling its border, cartels have filled the void, collecting some $7,000 per migrant per crossing. That's a lot of fresh capital for the cartels, even as the States are expected to pick up the tab for the migrants themselves.
And there are a host of other problems with this open border situation, including corruption of public officials; crime, disorder, and interference with business from the migrants; borders periodically shut down so the Border Patrol can "process" tens of thousands of illegal border crossers, halting legitimate cross-border trade; and more.
Fact is, the open borders Joe has opened wide for migrants of all countries has wrought havoc on Mexico and shown signs of destabilizing other countries, such as Panama. All of Latin America is affected by this nightmare in addition to the United States.
Mexico has an election coming and some of the opposition candidates seem to be gaining. Mexico City's ruling pols aren't stupid and can see the potential damage to their political prospects if the chaos of the border isn't halted.
It makes perfect sense to them to build a wall, something Joe Biden can neither comprehend nor consider because Trump.
Joe should be the one doing it, but he's too busy demanding cash for Ukraine's border, he doesn't want any for America's -- he only wants a faster conveyor belt into the states for illegal alien 'processing.' That's his solution and now the Mexicans are calling bee ess.
President Trump once with hyperbole said he'd get the Mexicans to pay for the border wall.
It looks like Joe Biden has actually achieved that, but not based on anything positive he did, but based on what he didn't do that was his duty to do. He's out touting his 'virtual' border wall while Mexicans are building a real one.
Chalk it up to Mexicans doing the job Joe wouldn't do. The ironies abound.
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