Leftist logic: Aviva CEO to use misandry and anti-white bigotry to counter perceived misogyny and ‘racism’

Here’s more proof that “diversity” and “inclusion” really just means exclusion of the demographic that built the Western world—in other words, straight white males, with traditional Judeo-Christian values.

Last week Amanda Blanc, CEO for Aviva (a multinational blue-chip empire for insurance, wealth, and retirement businesses), spoke before a committee composed of the UK's Members of Parliament, and “confidently declared” the company’s policy to use misandry and anti-white bigotry to “stamp out sexism” and inequality. From a fantastic essay by Frank Haviland published at The European Conservative today:

Cue first-female Aviva insurance company CEO, Amanda Blanc, whose ‘solution’ to the white male domination of companies at board level is about as original as kneeling for George Floyd. Blanc made the news last week when she confidently declared that senior white male recruits would not be hired without first being given the nod by her personally, in a bid to ‘stamp out sexism in finance.’

Of course, one could infer that a flaming homosexual leftist who happened to be white would still check the “diversity” boxes.

From a Fortune report out last week:

Aviva’s boss Amanda Blanc said the policy forms part of the company’s efforts to stamp out sexism in the financial services industry.

Speaking at the Sexism in the City inquiry, Blanc, who became the blue-chip company’s first female chief executive in 2020, told a parliamentary committee that there was ‘no non-diverse hire at Aviva without it being signed off by me and the chief people officer’.

‘The scope of the charter is to get more women into senior management roles,’ Blanc explained the reasoning for the measure. ‘My belief is if you have more women in senior management roles, this behavior will go away.’

As noted by Haviland, such “solutions” are so asinine—they’re about as “original as kneeling” for a criminal drug addict who died during an arrest from a fentanyl overdose—we derogatorily refer to such examples as “leftist logic.”

Only a leftist would use sexism in the professional world… to allegedly undermine sexism in the professional world; only a leftist would use misandry to purportedly combat perceived misogyny; only a leftist would discriminate against a person’s skin color as they claim to eliminate “racism” and bigotry; only a leftist would pretend regressive policies are the best means to achieve progress; only a leftist would intentionally disqualify the demographic most responsible for creating a world in which companies like Aviva can even operate.

As Haviland also writes:

Infuriated by the failure of equality to produce equal outcomes, our liberal culture demands a bogeyman, and in the straight, white male, it found the pantomime villain of its dreams. 

Leftism, or “liberal culture” per Haviland, is antithetical to the ideology and tenets of the traditional West, which is why the left’s advocates hate the system so much—and therein lies the rub. Traditional Judeo-Christian masculinity, historically embraced by straight “white” males, is responsible for the exceptionalism and excellence of the West—it’s no surprise they then become the target.

Now of course for a leftist, you don’t have to be “white” to be a “white male”—just ask any modern American leftist what they think of Booker T. Washington (if they even know who he is), or consider the “race-traitor” insult hurled at black conservatives or patriots… and leftist (il)logic strikes again.

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