Israel finds 'child-sized' suicide vests stored in Palestine medical facility
After all the hullabaloo about the 'love of the Palestinian children' we've had shoved in our faces to demonize Israel and its war on terror these past months, here's what amounts to 'love' from the Hamas terrorists.
According to Legal Insurrection, citing news sources:
The Israeli ground offensive continues to expose the depths of Hamas’ depravity. The Islamic terrorist group that burnt and beheaded Israeli babies on October 7, is now apparently grooming Gaza’s children to become suicide bombers in its jihad against the advancing Israeli troops.
Israeli soldiers found ‘child-sized suicide vests’ during a raid in northern Gaza, the Israeli media reported Sunday citing military sources.The children’s suicide vests were reportedly hidden inside a medical facility. “IDF soldiers made the chilling discovery in a medical clinic that also held dozens of mortars and hundreds of grenades,” the Israeli broadcaster Arutz Sheva reported.
Compare and contrast to the glurgy biased headlines that have been pouring over the transom about the pitiful state of Palestinian children and the bad Israelis who did it:
‘War is stupid and I want it to end’: Injured Palestinian children speak -Al Jazeera
Lauren Jauregui Drops New Song in Support of Palestinian Kids: ‘Never Stop Dreaming of Freedom’ -Rolling Stone
Awni Eldous: The Palestinian boy who found YouTube fame after death -BBC
Killings of Palestinian children are soaring in the West Bank. Advocates say it happens with impunity -CBC
Oh, the love of the Palestinian children, to tug on our heartstrings. They're so much more special than other people's children, particularly those of Israeli Jews, based this type of manipulative coverage.
And it's not just this kind of print media coverage, it's also in the nonstop news videos of Palestinian kids being pulled out of the rubble and activis specters like these.
You'd think Israel had declared war on the Palestinian children based on this coverage, and not the tens of thousands of slimebag Hamas terrorists who committed unspeakable atrocities against Israelis without provocation. It's all about the love the Palestinian children and not the terrorists who hide behind these children for political purposes -- to ensure that a lot of them get killed so that the media glurge machine can be turned on.
Fact is, war is terrible, and civilians of all kinds get caught up in it, particularly if they don't, or can't move to safe areas. Children die, as do adults, and Hamas gave Israeli children (and adults) absolutely no warning, and didn't give Palestinian children any, either. Like cowards, they hide behind Palestinian children in this war, building their tunnels under apartment buildings, killing Palestinians with abandon, and now we learn they had a stockpile of "child-sized" suicide vests to use these kids further.
It's Palestinian terrorists who are at war with Palestinian children and these suicide vests prove it.
Golda Meir, who knew a few things about these terrorists said it best: "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
They don't love their children. They use them as cannon fodder, except with death guaranteed. Where are the outside lovers of the Palestinian children on that one?
Image: Twitter screen shot