Illegal invaders allegedly handed ‘NO NAME GIVEN’ boarding passes and permitted to fly

While American citizens continue to suffer under the tyranny, unconstitutionality, and criminality of the Patriot Act, foreign nationals with anonymous boarding passes roam the skies, flying to who knows where, to do who knows what; see the X post below, from conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair:

With “no name given” printed on a boarding pass, these flyers obviously didn’t have any identifying documents, let alone legitimate ones. Were they handed ballots as well? Perhaps even a stack? Are they exempt from TSA screenings too? Did we make sure they got signed up for welfare benefits and healthcare? Did we buy them an iPhone, clothes, and Christmas gifts for their children? Are they also allowed to carry a firearm? (For their safety of course.) Honestly, if any (or all) of those questions yielded an answer in the affirmative, I would not be the least bit surprised.

No name means no ID, and clearly, that’s no problem at all… just as long as you’re not an American. The last two times I’ve been to the airport, specifically Nashville, I’ve had issues with TSA and documentation. During the first incident, which occurred just two months ago, I wasn’t permitted through the TSA checkpoint to pick up my 12-year-old son, because I had just gotten my Alabama ID, and I still only had the paper copy instead of the hard plastic one—so I had to wait outside “security” (I use that word as loosely as possible) for him. The second incident happened just last week, and when TSA agents wouldn’t allow my five-year-old son through without a named escort pass, we all had to run back to the counter where I had to show my ID again, and give the agent my son’s name and birthdate… before we were eventually allowed through.

As St. Clair noted in a follow-up post:

Incredibly difficult to post these without putting the insiders at risk. Working on it. This will continue unfold over the coming weeks but I can confirm these are legitimate boarding passes. I am at a loss for words for what I am verifying. Thank you to everybody reaching out.

Now, I may be jumping to conclusions, but from what I deduce (since these are printed boarding passes), St. Clair obtained them through an airline employee(s?) who took them after the illegals got on the planes. Therefore, I can only assume that these illegals did go through TSA, with their “illegal privilege card” in tow; yet I don’t hear any TSA agents blowing the whistle. Instead, concerned citizens are getting the word out to people like St. Clair, which reconfirms my bias against the TSA, and the “little guys” who staff it.

What a strange and traitorous reality that Americans have quite literally become second-class citizens in America, with bona fide non-citizens taking first place. But whatever you do, don’t call it an invasion, let alone an insurrection—despite the appearance that this is more evidence of major political party overthrowing the established American government and American rule of law with overwhelming foreign (mercenary?) forces—or the Great Replacement, because that might land you in a six by eight cell without habeas corpus.

And let me guess, if I want to fly next year, I will still be expected to obtain my REAL ID, with zero tolerance for noncompliance.

Image from X.

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