‘Feminist’ publishing house gets $500k in taxpayer money for obscene and objectifying literary works…
Stories like this almost make me a little ashamed to find myself included in the female sex, because some of us can just be so unthinking and clownish it’s painful.
Apparently since 2016, the National Endowment for the Arts has been doling out hundreds of thousands of our dollars to a certain publishing house—Feminist Press pushes out “political and activist nonfiction” with a stated goal of “furthering” people’s “understanding” of “intersectional feminism” and is on a militant crusade to “ignite movements and social transformation” and amplify “insurgent” voices. (Gee, I wonder if these guys and gals are also Marxists.)
Here’s this from a report published by The Daily Caller today:
The NEA has given Feminist Press $445,000 in grants since 2016, according to grant listings. Books published by Feminist Press include The Feminist Porn Book, The G-String Murders, Fat Off, Fat On: A Big Bitch Manifesto, Radical Reproductive Justice, SLUT, SLUT: The Play and The Defiant Muse: Hebrew Feminist Poems, among many others.
Good grief. But let me guess, “heteronormative” men, with their toxic masculinity and mansplaining, “rape culture” and “slut-shaming,” are solely to blame for the objectification of women, is that right? It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the fact that large swathes of women have embraced hedonism and whoredom because they gobbled up the “sexual liberation” lie. Oh I also suspect that these women would call for the dismantling of the patriarchy, because men dominating women and shoving them to the bottom of the social totem pole by sheer force is just so oppressive; but get a load of this:
Eight of the 13 books Feminist Press published in 2023 were authored by ‘queer and trans’ writers.
By “trans” we know what that actually means is… “male.”
So, in creating this new world, an order in which the white, toxic male society builder is a thing of antiquity, and the ways of Judeo-Christian tradition and ethos is gone, women get immediately played by men who slapped on some womanface, tucked their bits, and usurped the former’s place. Bravo girls! You’d be titans of industry if that industry were gullibility.
Modern leftist women are like albatrosses around the necks of conservative women, because the former are such a detriment to the credibility of the female sex; I actually understand why rational men ever hold the general views about women that they do; I’m not saying it’s moral, I am simply saying it isn’t crazy. When a majority of American women are Democrat voters, all saying and doing the most idiotic things, why should we anomalies be shocked to discover that conservative men largely think “women” are stupid? That’s with whom they generally interact! And this was just the umpteenth exhibit…
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