Claudine Gay may have done more than just plagiarize her work

We already know that Claudine Gay has “borrowed without attribution” works from other scholars (i.e., she plagiarized). However, it appears that she may have done more than merely plagiarize. There’s a distinct (although currently unproven) possibility that she faked the data behind her purported studies.

With Gay’s problems of…attribution in the news, people have gone back to look at her writing. This isn’t hard because, while publish or perish used to be the rule for surviving in academia, if you’re a woke black “scholar,” that rule no longer applies.

What those analyzing Gay’s small body of work—a ridiculously small output for the president of a supposedly prestigious institution—have discovered is that the data don’t make sense. Pay special attention to the last paragraph of the tweet below, which says, “Claudine Gay should release her data.”

Yes, indeed, Gay should release her data to put at rest any concerns about the accuracy of the numbers and analysis she introduces to support her contention that whites won’t vote for blacks. (As a reminder, Barack Obama couldn’t have won without white votes.)

One would think, of course, that her data might already be available, but that’s not the case. Christopher Brunet explains that when scholars went looking for it, not only did they find nothing, but Gay stonewalled them:

So, where is her data?

Well, it turns out that I am not the first one who has searched for it.

She was granted tenure at Stanford in 2005 with just 4 peer-reviewed political science articles to her name: 1998 PolPsych, 2001 APSR, 2002 AJPS, 2004 APSR.

Her 2001 APSR paper, which was central to her already-meager tenure case, was debunked by Michael C. Herron, the Remsen 1943 Professor of Quantitative Social Science at Dartmouth, and Kenneth W. Shotts, the David S. and Ann M. Barlow Professor of Political Economy at Stanford Graduate School of Business, in a paper presented at the 2002 conference of The Society for Political Methodology (PolMeth) after she would not share her data or code with them.

We were, however, unable to scrutinize Gay’s results because she would not release her dataset to us (personal communication with Claudine Gay, 2002).

Intriguingly, the above information was scrubbed from the PolMeth website, although Brunet managed to get hold of a copy of the original work. He includes a link in a post that is worth reading in its entirety.

The above information does not prove that Gay manipulated data to create a predetermined outcome. However, when someone’s numbers don’t add up, they refuse to provide information about how they arrived at those numbers, and institutions hide any questions about those numbers…well, some might begin to think that it’s a duck. Indeed, many might believe that Harvard, to advance its woke transformation, hired Gay to sit in the president’s office and quack.

Image: Claudine Gay (edited). YouTube screen grab.

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