Chick in ‘manface’ claims she’s a real dude because she had to ‘work’ for her ‘masculinity’

This may be the best example yet of why chromosomal makeup has everything to do with whether a person is a male or a female, and how the two sexes are so profoundly different:

Now, if you didn’t know this person above was a girl on testosterone, you might actually think that she were a boy (but certainly not a man) because of the mustache, but there’s a dead giveaway. This person, clearly attention-seeking, ran to a social media platform (TikTok of all things) to complain about “transphobes” and brag about his(?)/her(?) ability to be catty and passive-aggressive; so although that just screams “female” we’re left with just two options (because there are only two sexes). “It” is either a leftist soyboy or a leftist queer (perhaps that’s the same difference), but in this case, it ended up being the latter. (Gasp! Who woulda thunk it?) Yet, the common denominator is… the leftism.

And with that in mind, consider the tone and content of this girl’s little spiel—doesn’t it just reek of “toxic masculinity” and “mansplaining”?

“Toxic masculinity” is described as a “version of masculinity” that is “harmful” and underscores “the worst aspects of stereotypically masculine attributes” like “violence” and a “hostility to femininity”—and the premise sure seems to fit this girl.

Undeniably, she’s hostile towards femininity and the female sex, or she would have just accepted reality. Furthermore, she does not actually sound like a man, she sounds like a chick intentionally lowering her voice as much as possible—to be honest, she’s not far off from my pathetic impersonation of Darth Vader. A snide and bitter woman masquerading in manface? Does it get more toxic than that? And violent? Does the name Audrey Hale ring any bells?

Now, the Google dictionary (powered by Oxford) defines “mansplaining” as this:

[T]he explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.

She’s pretending to be a man, and reenacting before her audience an imaginary scenario in which she explains to a hypothetical “transphobe,” in an extremely condescending and patronizing way that she is in fact a man, despite the “transphobe’s” ignorant belief to the contrary. Seems like a textbook example, with the only thing missing of course, is that she is not actually a man.

She had to “work” for her “masculinity” while all the men born with penises and XY chromosomes didn’t, is that right?

How utterly obnoxious. Tell that to the men who were sawed in half by German machine gun fire on the northwest beaches of France; tell that to the men under General Washington’s command who trekked through the bitter snows of the Northeast in the early morning hours of December 26, 1776, many of them barefoot and leaving a trail of blood behind them; tell that to General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, or young Charlie Coulson, who suffered amputations before death; tell that to the boys who slogged through the jungles of Vietnam, or those who succumbed to infections received from punji sticks. But yeah, you go girl, you really had to “work” to be a man.

Funny how the actual culprits of “toxic masculinity” and “mansplaining” aren’t found amongst all those real men I mentioned just above, they’re the sad little interlopers with leftist political views. Shocker! (Not really though.)

Image from X.

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