Biden is starting to get ugly with staff over his poll numbers

Joe Biden has always been a nasty, bilious, bad-tempered man.

So what a surprise to read that he's out abusing staff for his not having the poll numbers he thinks he's entitled to.

Lucky them.

According to the Washington Post:

The night before President Biden departed Washington to celebrate Thanksgiving on Nantucket, Mass., he gathered his closest aides for a meeting in the White House residence.

After pardoning a pair of turkeys, an annual White House tradition, Biden delivered some stern words for the small group assembled: His poll numbers were unacceptably low and he wanted to know what his team and his campaign were doing about it. He complained that his economic message had done little to move the ball, even as the economy was growing and unemployment was falling, according to people familiar with his comments, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation.

And it's true that his poll numbers are abysmal, and going downward. Sean Trende at RealClearPolitics wrote convincingly that not only is Trump decisively ahead in every critical poll, he's now moved into 'favorite' status for victory, given his intense upward momentum.

What's astonishing here is that Biden thinks his staff had something to do with this, and worse yet, that there's anything they can do at all.

Polls, see, are things that can be controlled through good staff work, much as political opponents can be -- by messing with courts and muscling Mark Zuckerberg, who's been muscled a lot.

Not once does Biden consider that maybe the problem is him, with his age flashing red lights that it's time to retire.

Nor does he ever consider that it's something he's doing, such as running the economy into the ground through inflationary spending, and crushing it further through green mandates and regulations.

Nor does he consider that maybe his open border, which has seen the entry of seven million unvetted foreigners with their hands out, is a problem.

He can't do much about his age and declining faculties, but he could change course on either of those policies and then have a fighting chance of recovering his poll numbers.

He does not. 

It's not just that he's old and rigid and can't change his ways. He may well not be in control of his presidency, with political operatives calling his shots.

That leaves his raging like King Lear against the sea, demanding answers, demanding results, getting nothing.

What's good here from our Republican point of view is that it's bound to lead to firings and bitter feelings, which in turn leads to tell-all memoirs and other damaging information. In addition, it should lead to more leaks as frustrated staff spill their abused guts to reporters on the sly. Rage stories, naked stories, cocaine stories, hooker stories, pervert stories, dog-kicking stories, corruption stories, all are bound to roll out.

What's also good is that this kind of news backhandedly tells us that Biden doesn't have the election sufficiently rigged that he can cheat his way to victory. That much angst from the Biden side tells us that they know they may not be able to cheat their way to victory as they may have done in the past.

Anything that's bad news for Joe is good news for those of us who support President Trump.

Image: Monica Showalter with use of a screen shot from a camera aimed at a television set during a live broadcast. Filtered with Adobe CameraRaw.

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