Also Not the Bee: Housecats are a ‘murderous’ threat to biodiversity when left up to their own devices
An NPR journalist gave it the old college try… and produced an exceptionally mock-worthy essay published last week at the outlet. According to Manuela López Restrepo, housecats are “murderous” creatures, and when given a carte blanche check to roam at will, they are a “big threat” to biodiversity.
Let’s just get the obvious one out of the way: murder is a legal term that exclusively applies to human beings. Cats hunting fieldmice, birds, squirrels, or any other little outdoor critter cannot be “murder” and their predator behavior is not “murderous” because they’re all animals.
Now, as you probably could have guessed, Restrepo fits the leftist stereotype of women who fill their childless voids with pets to which they refer as their “children.” (Ironically, it’s likely that a number of these childless leftists are that way… because of real murder.) Restrepo calls her own cat her “son” but it has no bearing on reality, and neither cats nor their prey are people. A person might love an animal like a human, or treat them as though they were a “child,” but at the end of the day, animals are pets.
Secondly, this girl’s concern over biodiversity is exactly why so many people have kept cats—where have Restrepo and these “scientists” been?—they’re exceptional hunters that categorically “threaten” the “biodiversity” of nasty little creatures like rats and mice, that destroy human property and food, and spread diseases. Cats “threatening biodiversity” is a net positive, not a net negative.
But, the crux of Restrepo’s piece was that “free-ranging cats” are a serious threat to a thriving environment buzzing with life—and I laughed, thinking how the assertion was the perfect parable for Democrats.
Without Democrats, who would champion the “death to babies” cause?
Without Democrats, who would open the borders for millions of migrants to pour across, trampling fragile desert flora and killing endangered desert fauna?
Without Democrats, who would promote nihilism?
Without Democrats, who would dismantle law and order, and facilitate anarchy?
Without Democrats, who would erase God from every facet of the public and civic sectors?
Without Democrats, who would sign America on to globalist agendas of communism and tyranny?
Without Democrats, who would force a transition to E.V.s at the overwhelming expense of the environment?
Without Democrats, who would declare cross-sex hormones and mutilation of sexual organs “healthcare”?
Without Democrats, who would suggest that lobotomizing pharmaceutical drugs are “medicine”?
Without Democrats, who would demand Satan’s representation during Christmas—oops, I mean the “holidays”?
Apparently, unsupervised cats can cause a lot of trouble, and obviously, so can Democrats.
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