Zelensky goes on Meet the Press, calls on President Trump for help, and begs for money like a crackhead
Did Volodymyr Zelensky see the meme? I think he saw the meme:
вЏівЏівЏі pic.twitter.com/V5ixqcxVb1
— Olivia Murray (@americaliv1) November 8, 2023
(As my colleagues noted, the meme leaves out Ngô Дђình Diệm, an American ally in South Vietnam until he wasn’t, at which point he was killed by members of a CIA-backed coup in 1963.)
A few days back, Zelensky went on NBC’s Meet the Press, and it was a routine performance, with the exception of one thing: the Ukrainian leader’s panicked desperation was more palpable than usual, evidenced by two details.
The first is that Zelensky issued an invite to… President Trump, calling on him to visit Ukraine to talk national security and war strategy—it was an invitation that Trump politely declined. From the item:
‘Former President Trump said that about 24 hours, that he can manage it and finish the war,’ Zelenskyy told NBC. ‘For me, what can I say? So he’s very welcome as well. President Biden was here, and he – I think he understood some details which you can understand only being here.
‘So I invite President Trump. If he can come here, I will need 24 minutes – yes, 24 minutes; not more. Yes. Not more. Twenty-four minutes to explain President Trump that he can’t manage this war.’
My first thought was, if Trump is so illegitimate and irrelevant, then why is Zelensky calling on him, let alone giving him the time of day? Trump is a private citizen, so what business does he have with matters of war and national security? Doesn’t this seem a bit “unconventional”?
Zelensky for sure saw the meme… and he sees the writing on the wall. He’s trying to forge some inroads with the only man who’s not a warmongering killer, appealing to the rightful leader of the free world, to hopefully sidestep the fate that’s bound to be his if this war drags on, which is becoming increasingly inconvenient for the American politicians sending billions of American tax dollars, as the American public grows increasingly disillusioned and irate with the scheme—seems like it would have behooved Zelensky to read the handbook of his mentors, as he would have learned that something that “drags on too long becomes a drag.”
To add a layer of context, Zelensky has been the celebrated golden child of the entire global left, basically all of Hollywood, the political establishment in control of Congress composed of both Republicans and Democrats, and all of legacy media including fashion magazines for goodness’s sake. He’s been paraded around as a distinguished, competent, and worthy commander receiving endless accolades—if he’s now reaching out to Trump, what does that say for the legitimacy of the leftist cause and movement?
And don’t forget, Zelensky was a player in the impeachment plot against Trump over the phone call—Trump owes him absolutely nothing.
Now below, you’ll see (and feel) perhaps the most embarrassing portion of the interview:
Dude sounds like a drug addict begging for a loan
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) November 7, 2023
It’s over bro
Everyone knows you’re laundering the money, paying off your friends, and sending Ukraine’s future generations to be slaughtered for profit
Time to negotiate peace
He’s like a frenzied crackhead, jonesing for his next fix, promising to make good on the loan if he can please please pleaseee just have some money now.
Then in typical form, the manipulative politician comes out and he resorts to fear porn: if the American people won’t bend to his demands and send more cash, then he promises we will soon have to sacrifice our own “sons and daughters” for war with Russia, at which point, “the price will be higher” than the couple billion he wants now—so just send the cash and nobody gets hurt.
As Trump would say, “SAD!”