With knife attacks rapidly rising, German police offer ‘tips’ on how to confront your assailant

“Random” stabbing sprees and knife attacks are on a steady and marked rise in Germany, and for some reason, German leaders, politicians, and officials don’t seem too keen to dissect and solve a very non-complex problem. Instead, they’ve offered “tips” on what to do if you find yourself at the receiving end of a crazed person with a knife, reported by Thomas Brooke at Remix News:

Try to get away, or “keep your distance” from the attacker.

“Shout” or “scream” at your attacker—but it must be louder than their allahu akbar shrieks. (Okay, I added that second part, because we all see where this is going.)

Huh, no kidding? If someone is attempting to stab a knife into us, we should try to get away? I mean, without government, how would we have ever figured that out on our own?

What’s really awful though, is that the police finally felt compelled to speak up after a particularly disturbing event in which a “man wielding a blade” came after a mother and child.

Like I said, this has been a steadily increasing problem; from an article by The European Conservative this past summer:

If one takes into account figures recorded and published by the state criminal police offices in Germany’s 16 federal states, the total number of knife attacks across the entire country exceeded 21,000 in 2022, which amounts to a staggering 60 attacks every single day….

And, like I also said, there doesn’t seem to be any impetus on behalf of the German government to actually do something about what I’d consider a serious policy error—sixty knife attacks every day? So what in the world transpired to cause such a scary and non-Western shift in the public landscape?

Ahhh, that’s right, German politicians imported millions of third world Muslim mobs, with third world non-Western mentalities, to Islamize the nation and replace traditional Europeans. How do the gloablists assume control if there are still vestiges of Judeo-Christian beliefs?

Also from the Remix News report:

It was reported back in 2021 that German police authorities had recorded over 20,000 knife attacks around the country in the previous year – approximately 50 knife attacks a day. The vast majority of known suspects were foreign nationals or people with a migration background.

In June, the Berliner Zeitung wrote an article stating that police had recorded a total of 3,317 knife attacks in the German capital in 2022. Of the 2,428 known suspects, a total of 1,234 were foreign nationals.

This is only half the story since German crime data records foreign-born citizens who commit crimes as Germans, skewing the data even more.

(I’m genuinely surprised the German police didn’t suggest that everyone just convert to Islam to  try and appease the stabbers.)

As we know, a government exists for one purpose, and one purpose alone: to secure unalienable rights like life and liberty, and the right to own property and produce wealth. When the police department, an arm of the government, basically tells you you’re on your own and offers you the most asinine “tips” on how to behave if you find yourself under the blade of a knife-wielding—let’s be honest—jihadi, and the policymakers keep bringing in more jihadis, albeit ones sold as “refugees,” then citizen, it’s time to take a more proactive role in the direction of your country, taking some hints from America in her heyday. Form a militia, protect the women, children, and the elderly, and foster the national will to eject any and all invaders seeking to conquer with a culture of oppression, slavery, and death.

Lo and behold, it actually looks like the German people are way ahead of me:

Image from X.

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