Understanding the Hamas death cult and the concept of a just and necessary war
Douglas Murray is reporting from Israel, and he’s ably making the point to moral relativists that Hamas is one of the most evil entities ever to walk the earth…and that the civilian infrastructure that supports it is necessary collateral damage on the way to destroying Hamas. In this regard, for those who believe in the story of Exodus, he’s making the same point that the Bible has taught us for thousands of years.
The interview is interesting because Piers Morgan, while not one of the good guys, isn’t one of the bad guys. He’s just morally obtuse because, having once expressed shock at the Israeli citizens who were on the receiving end of an attack of unparalleled brutality, he’s now thinking that precisely the same attack is being launched against the people in Gaza. They’re all victims, argues, so Israel, having been victimized, should be more compassionate.
Morgan is also ignorant because the missile that almost gets Murray on air is a reminder of one of the things the media ignore: namely, that while Israel is trying to strike military targets in Gaza after having first warned away the civilian population, Gaza is shooting thousands of rockets directly at Israel’s civilian population, including hospitals. Hezbollah, of course, is joining in. Israel, too, faces the massive displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.
That ignorance doesn’t even get to the fact that Morgan, like all Western journalists, takes at face value Gazan claims about its death toll. Those numbers are inherently corrupt because (a) jihad doesn’t distinguish between civilians and soldiers, so they’ll boast about attacks by 1,000 of their “fighters,” and then mourn the deaths of 1,000 of their “children,” when they are one and the same, and (b) a lot of the dead aren’t actually dead.
Image: Douglas Murray. X screen grab.
In other words, even some of the more decent journalists in the West are still awful, mired as they are in post-modern moral relativism wrapped up in staggering ignorance. What they cannot comprehend is that the mindset of Hamas is so irredeemably evil that it must be erased because the people living under its rule, even if they are not complicit, are themselves prisoners and victims.
If you’re reading this post, you probably already know what happened to those Israelis in the path of the Hamas attack on October 7. You know about mass rapes of women (more information here and here), you know about the way the Hamas terrorists treated the naïve “peace rave” like a turkey shoot, you know about the fact that 80% of the dead (including children) were tortured before death…you know all of that. But what you need to understand is that this was not some rogue troops run amok or a one-off terrorist attack to make a point. This is Hamas.
In the Murray interview, Morgan keeps trying to make relativistic points, and Murray keeps rebutting them. And as always, things circle around to the Nazis, who are viewed as the avatar of all that is evil. But Murray explains something amazing and true: Hamas is worse than the Nazis (starting at 5:28), something he realized when watching the footage that Israel had complied (most of it taken by the Hamas fighters themselves), showing Hamas actions in Israel. The Nazis were ashamed of what they did and hid it because they knew it was wrong; Hamas is proud of what it does because it is a rape-loving, torture-loving death cult. It is evil personified.
(In addition to the video footage, the tweet below adds some interesting points.)
This is the best interview I have EVER seen.
— Rabbi Shmuel Reichman (@ReichmanShmuel) November 9, 2023
Ever; ever; ever; nothing comes close.
Douglas Murrey has a heart – and mind – of gold.
And what unfolds in this seven-minute clip is something you need to watch for yourself. (Once you see it halfway through, you’ll know exactly… pic.twitter.com/SPRDq7BHVM
Remember, this is how Hamas raises its children;
From a young age in Gaza, Hamas indoctrinate young children with the idea that terrorism is their only option in life.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) November 8, 2023
I’ll add one more point for those who believe in Biblical history: If you want to divide Gazans into complicit people and innocents and then claim Israel must just sit and take the slaughter of her people to protect the innocents, you haven’t paid any attention to Exodus.
The first nine plagues are intended to show that tyrants have no qualms about their people’s suffering, provided they are not personally affected. It was only when the pain entered Pharaoh’s home, with the death of the firstborn, that he finally reacted. In other words, tyrants must be destroyed because their own people, in the end, suffer as much as the tyrant’s intended victims do.
Israel cannot tolerate what’s happening in Gaza. Moreover, a humane world would applaud Israel. Just as we saved “ordinary” Germans from Nazi Germany and “ordinary” Japanese from the scourge of Bushido ideology, the Israelis are saving the beleaguered Gazans who must live in a death cult that keeps them afraid, impoverished, and brainwashed, even as its leaders live in lavish and safe luxury in Qatar.