Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch burns the NewsGuard spin doctors for running cover for ‘Palestinian’ jihadis
Today at Front Page Magazine, Robert Spencer expertly dismantled the left’s censorship efforts which are faithfully sold as “fact-checking” initiatives, and as he rightly noted, the “scam” is “getting more absurd by the minute.”
Naturally, Spencer zeroed in on NewsGuard. From his report:
One of the foremost exponents of this scam is NewsGuard, an initiative of the hard-Left self-appointed news arbiter Steven Brill that received $749,387 from the Department of Defense in 2021. What conceivable benefit could a leftist propaganda outfit masquerading as a neutral fact-checking have to the Department of Defense? Well, if you’re a corrupt and politicized government agency that is more concerned about defending the Biden regime from its political opponents than with defending the United States of America from its enemies, you might find NewsGuard to be quite handy.
He then continued by running through a brief timeline surrounding the “facts” on the hospital bombing in Gaza: even after U.S. military intelligence sources had officially declared the blast a “result of a Palestinian rocket” (a fact to which British and French governments concurred), NewsGuard’s “senior apparatchik” Valerie Pavilonis, from her official position, assured the public that the hospital bombing in Gaza could have been Israel. Spencer then wondered why “Pavilonis and NewsGuard” were “running cover” for murderous jihadis—of course it was a rhetorical question.
Funny enough, I’ve had my own interaction with NewsGuard “journalists” and I’d echo Spencer’s initial position, adding an additional assertion: not only is the scam getting more absurd by the minute, but its operatives are getting dumber too.
You might remember that at the end of June, the Supreme Court ruled on a case that upended affirmative action as American universities knew it, and expectedly, leftists went berserk. At the time, posts from a certain leftist social media account went viral, as they were rabidly obscene and outrageously hateful towards one man, the black one, Justice Clarence Thomas—I ended up penning a blog on it, acknowledging that it may very well be fake, but the fact that we as conservatives couldn’t discern whether this bigoted vitriol was real leftist hate and fake leftist hate, proves the point that these people are totally insane and disgraceful.
About a week later, I got this email, from a Sofia Rubinson:
Screenshot of email communication from NewsGuard’s Sofia Rubinson
“I’m a journalist…” LOL. (Note, her email signature reveals she’s actually just an intern.)
Here was my response, with the attached image I referenced below it:
I’d like to think that such erroneous and irresponsible missteps on behalf of a taxpayer-funded “fact-checking” enterprise like NewsGuard, would relegate it to the ash heap of history, but then I remember that we live in Bidenland where Goebbels is a hero and propaganda is the name of the game.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.