Panicky Politico says Joe’s an utter failure but offers advice as to how he can win

In 2024, if Biden wins, Republicans will concede defeat, leaving America to burn. If Trump wins, Democrats will burn America. It will be irrelevant that poll after poll shows Biden in trouble. Instead, Democrats will insist Biden could have won. And to lay the groundwork, Politico’s senior political columnist has mapped how a disastrous president has a clear path to victory.

Jonathan Martin acknowledges that Democrats have cause to worry. They’ll always have abortion but, otherwise, things don’t look so good. Martin writes that, hearing from powerful Democrats in private, “The level of despair was striking.” Indeed, “perhaps not since Trump’s 2016 election have the party’s leaders and lawmakers been so alarmed.”

The problem, says Martin, which Biden and his team refuse to accept, is that there’s reasonable concern about whether Biden has the “capacity to do the job.”

The oldest president in history when he first took the oath, Biden will not be able to govern and campaign in the manner of previous incumbents. He simply does not have the capacity to do it, and his staff doesn’t trust him to even try, as they make clear by blocking him from the press. Biden’s bid will give new meaning to a Rose Garden campaign, and it requires accommodation to that unavoidable fact of life.

Worse, like some horror movie, Trump is back, and he’s got a grudge:

The former president is an exiled strongman who’s taken over a traditional political party and is attempting to reclaim office to consolidate power and punish his enemies with little regard for the Constitution.

That’s pretty rich, considering that Democrats have broken all norms to persecute and prosecute their opponent and his supporters. However, leftism is a form of mass narcissism and, in the world of the narcissist, sauce for the goose is never sauce for the garden. He’s special; you’re not. He gets away with it; you don’t. He’s righteous; you’re evil.

Image: Biden gets lost…again (edited). YouTube screen grab.

Martin also concedes that left-leaning candidates are circling Biden like sharks around chum. He doesn’t name names, but you know he’s thinking about Independents Robert F. Kennedy, Cornel West, and Jill Stein, and Democrats Marianne Williamson, Dean Phillips, and Cenk Uygur. That’s an unusual amount of competition for an incumbent candidate. (Martin doubts that Michelle Obama is going to run.)

However, according to Martin, none of this means Biden will lose. Instead, if he plays his cards right, he’s a shoo-in for another four-year term. How?

Biden must begin by ending his denial about challenges to his reelection. Being frustrated that voters are too stupid to understand how well they’re doing is not a winning ticket, nor is griping at David Axelrod for pointing out the problem.

Biden must also keep his friends close and his potential-political-enemies-who-ought-be-friends even closer. Thus, Biden “must smother [Joe] Manchin with kindness and keep him in the Democratic tent.”

Speaking of those frenemies, though, the real secret is to cuddle up to disaffected Republicans. Biden should “woo Manchin’s Republican friend (and third-party temptress) Mitt Romney.” Likewise, he asks, “why is Biden not doing more to secure the support of Liz Cheney?” who is also threatening to run.

This is delusional. Both leftists and conservatives despise Romney and Cheney in the same way that the Patriots and the British despised Benedict Arnold. The former despised him because he betrayed them; the latter despised him because he’d proven himself a man without honor.

Unleashed, Martin goes on and on with inside politics recommendations that make sense only if the Beltway bounds your world. Call in Rahm Emanuel as election chair. Have Jennifer O’Malley Dillon serve as campaign manager. Get Mike Donilon out of the White House and onto the campaign trail. Use Ron Klain’s skills. Have Bill and Hillary Clinton serve as Mideast peace envoys. Having exhausted his imagination, Martin acknowledges, “It may sound far-fetched, but this is no time for small thinking. The moment demands all hands on deck.”

And then there are the myriad surrogates Biden needs because, as Martin acknowledges, “Biden cannot dedicate himself to the campaign like he could have as a younger man.” Martin imagines an army of governors, senators, cabinet secretaries, and groups (e.g., the Congressional Black Caucus) spreading the good word about Biden’s amazing first term to talk uninformed voters into giving him a second one.

As I said, Martin’s “thinking big” reeks of desperation and delusion. But before you laugh at what he says, keep in mind that by creating a “path for victory,” no matter how imaginary, Martin is setting the stage. If Democrats again engage in the campaign made easy by mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, drop boxes, and the usual cemetery voters, Martin’s theories can allow them to say, when Biden’s “victory” gets challenged, that there was nothing unreasonable about him beating his previous 81 million votes with an unheard of 120 million or so.

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