One judge in Connecticut shows how to do it when faced with election fraud
If you’ve watched Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules, he makes one overarching point: In multiple contested election precincts in America, people were caught stuffing all the ballot boxes made possible through COVID. They were caught either directly, with video footage showing them stuffing those boxes, or indirectly, with cell phone data showing them making repeated trips between Democrat non-profits and drop boxes.
Trump supporters tried to bring this evidence before the courts, but judge after judge, either because of political ideology or cowardice (I’m talking to you, United States Supreme Court justices), refused to touch those claims. And after too much time had passed, the egg seemingly couldn’t be unscrambled.
One judge in Connecticut, though, reversed a local election, showing that it can be done. He did so because he was confronted with “shocking” evidence of election fraud through dropbox stuffing. Faced with this evidence, the judge overturned a Democrat primary election that favored the incumbent mayor.
A judge ruled on Wednesday to overturn the city’s Democratic primary election, initially won by incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, following claims of absentee ballot fraud by his opponent, John Gomes.
After two weeks of evidentiary hearings for Gomes’s absentee ballot fraud lawsuit, Judge William Clark ordered a new Democratic primary based on 180 pieces of evidence presented by Gomes’s legal counsel.
In the 37-page ruling, Clark said the video footage presented by Bill Bloss – Gomes’s attorney – was particularly alarming.
“Mr. Ganim was also correct to be ‘shocked’ at what he saw on the video clips in evidence that were shown to him while he was on the witness stand,” Clark wrote. “The videos are shocking to the court and should be shocking to all the parties.
At the witness stand, Ganim told the court he was “shocked” by an 18-minute video – subpoenaed by Gomes from Bridgeport police – that appeared to show 12 instances of Geter-Pataky either depositing stacks of ballots herself or handing ballots to others from behind her reception desk, and four instances of Martinez dropping off ballots.
The judge was right that what happened was “shocking” election fraud. It’s morally wrong, grossly illegal, and truly destroys democracy. And yet, in the wake of the 2020 election, judges in all the contested jurisdictions across America countenanced precisely the same provable fraud. They did so because, abandoning their obligations to the Constitution and the law, they either liked the outcome or feared the mob.
Because of this cowardice, we are at the mercy of the Obama-Biden administration. We have no border, so millions of illegal aliens, all of whom claim some government benefits, flood over, along with child trafficking, sex trafficking, gangs, and illegal drugs. Russia, recognizing a weak horse, invaded Ukraine, destabilizing Europe and costing hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars, something both Democrats and the Vichy Republicans strongly support. Hamas, also recognizing a weak horse, brutally attacked Israel, triggering a (necessary) war in Gaza, which further destabilizes an already unstable region. The American economy is in shambles, with raging inflation on consumer goods and people’s savings vanishing. Crime and drug abuse are rampant across American cities. Meanwhile, our government is obsessed with sowing racial discord, advancing sexual delusions and fetishes, and locking up political opponents.
All of this, every bit of it, is because of judges who, unlike the judge in Connecticut, refused to look at a manifestly corrupt election and then take appropriate action. I know there are principled judges (Justices Thomas and Alito spring to mind), but they are few and far between. The rest of them, smugly clad in their black robes, bring dishonor and disaster to America.
Image by Andrea Widburg using AI.