NYC ordinance banning ‘body size discrimination’ goes into effect

In early October, I wrote a blog on a social media “fatfluencer” whose very serious demands for widened hotel hallways and extra airplane seats for the morbidly obese had rolled her into my sphere of awareness. The young woman, who is in her mid-twenties, was petitioning businesses to adopt a “customer-of-size policy” and urging private establishments to provide “size-inclusive” amenities so that ultra-fat people could enjoy the same things as everyone else.

But, at the time I penned the essay, I had no idea that in New York City, an ordinance of this very nature was already on the books, and now it’s gone into effect. From a report out at the New York Post yesterday:

A new city law that bans discriminating against someone because of their height or weight went into effect last week, six months after Mayor Eric Adams first signed the legislation.

‘All New Yorkers, regardless of their body shape or size, deserve to be protected from discrimination under the law,’ NYC City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and Councilman Shaun Abreu said in a joint statement Sunday.

‘Body size discrimination affects millions of people every year, contributing to harmful disparities in medical treatment and outcomes, blocking people from access to opportunities in employment, housing and public accommodations, and deepening existing injustices that people face,’ the statement added.

Here come the lawsuits! Landlords, business owners, and taxpayers beware.

How soon until a fat tenant demands changes to the living space on the dime of the property-owner with the full force of the judicial system behind him/her?

How long until a fat patron who feels embarrassed about his/her size blames a “discriminatory” business for his/her inability to enjoy a particular good or service? What happens when the nature of a business means compliance is out of the question, as in the case of bungee jumping? Will these businesses simply take fine after fine and payout after payout until bankruptcy, or just shut down now?

How long until every government building needs to undergo renovations to comply with the new ordinance? Who’s going to pay for that?

Of course, this all comes down to someone in the moral wrong attempting to justify their lifestyle, using the government to club people and society into change and “acceptance,” and this is a defining aspect of leftism. The completely perverse sexual behaviors of the LGBTQ++ cult find promotion through public school curriculum and crony corporations—they call this “LGBTQ acceptance” and “Pride.” The sins of gluttony and self-indulgence accompany obesity and come through city ordinances—in their words though, this is “fat acceptance” and “body inclusivity.” Murder gets a new cover as “choice” and “reproductive freedom” and finds legal protection thanks to legislatures.

The obvious takeaway from all of this the complete lack of responsibility, which permeates all leftist philosophies—the “right” thing to do is reorganize society (at great cost) to bend to the desires and will of the immoral, irresponsible, and incompetent.

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