New Canadian study suggests that women who scream the loudest about ‘climate change’ don’t actually care all that much

The lede that Daily Caller’s Kay Smythe devised can’t be outdone, so I’m not going to even try; here’s the gist of the story, as summarized by Smythe:

A report published in November found even though lib women won’t shut up about climate change, they’re the biggest hypocrites about it.

Huh, no kidding. From Smythe’s analysis:

To the extent that climate-change worry predicts fertility attitudes and behaviours, it may work more as a rationalization for having kids later in life than as motivating actually having fewer children,’ demographer and Cardus Senior Fellow Lyman Stone said of a detailed report into whether climate change actually stops women from having more children than they want.

It turns out even those women who cite climate change as a reason for having fewer children actually end up having children at about the same rate as those who don’t, according to Stone’s study.

I mean, without this new study, how would we have ever known that leftist women were really just a bunch of chowderheads with no convictions?

Well, let’s recap: What do we know about leftist women?

They angrily demand that we “believe all women” as they ignore cries of little girls traded back and forth across the border for sex, and silence those harmed by powerful Democrats like Juanita Broaddrick and Tara Reade.

They hysterically scream “my body, my choice” and “no uterus, no opinion” but then fail to explain how at certain points in a woman’s life she can have somebody else’s DNA inside her womb, or arms and legs growing inside her abdomen—seems like a medical anomaly if it’s really just her body—and assert that people without uteruses (men) can have an opinion on female issues, just as long as it’s a pro-abortion one, or if these men simply “identify” as a woman, then they too can be one, and their opinion counts… just as long as it’s not politically conservative or libertarian.

They contend that the traditional family unit and marriage are patriarchal systems of oppression that abuse women, treat them as chattel, and eliminate any sense of fulfillment, but find a cubicle under the thumb of a domineering male boss to be a more “liberating” and going home to cats, a bottle of wine, and a sex toy a happy state of existence.

They screech about the “gender-pay gap” and the need for “equal” treatment but then cry foul when they’re held to the same standards as men.

They denigrate men as misogynist pigs, but then proudly hop from bed to bed.

And apparently, according to a new study, they “won’t shut up” about climate change, but that has no bearing on how they live their lives.

Okay, now that I think about it, the signs were certainly there.

The desire to experience love, faithfulness, and family overwhelms the shallow mind and empty virtues of their utterly stupid and illogical leftist mentality; who knew?

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