More proof that Dem policies for blacks have always been Jim Crow with a smiley face

If there’s one constant in America, it’s Democrats’ toxic effect on blacks. After the party was formed, it became the slavery party. After the Civil War, it became the Jim Crow party, with the KKK acting as its militia. When the Civil Rights Act was up for a vote, Democrats opposed it vociferously. But then LBJ had his genius insight: Pretend to support the blacks to get their vote. The Democrat party has been doing that ever since, with disastrous effects on American blacks. Now, in a true return to its roots, the Democrat party is all in on segregation.

Since 1964, every Democrat initiative has further destroyed the black community. Welfare destroyed ambition, initiative, and self-reliance. It also destroyed families by making men unnecessary. The black family also took a hit because of the left’s ongoing war against faith. The only faith growing amongst American blacks is Islam, which hasn’t raised up blacks but has eaten away like a canker at America’s constitutional pluralism. And, of course, Democrats have given black communities their “soft on crime” policies, which are remarkably hard on law-abiding citizens. And all this, of course, in the name of racial “love.”

The one area I haven’t mentioned yet is the Democrat assault on education. Under Democrat aegis, blacks have been taught that education is a “white” thing and that doing well in school, which requires self-discipline, hard work, responsibility, and ambition, is a white thing, too. If you, as a black person, are achieving academically, you’re abandoning your blackness.  

Image: Segregated drinking fountain, Oklahoma, 1939 (edited). Public domain.

To sum it up, since 1964, Democrat policies that are ostensibly intended to benefit blacks have, instead, impoverished them, broken up their families, ravaged their communities with unchecked crime, and left their children illiterate and uninformed. These inculcated societal problems have spread to Hispanics, too, but they’re a little less vulnerable to them because they don’t have the blacks’ long, tangled history with the Democrats.

But Democrats aren’t done. Most recently, in the name of equity, Democrats are using their war on children’s education to reinstate…segregation. It’s not just for college dormitories anymore. According to the Wall Street Journal:

School leaders in this college town just north of Chicago have been battling a sizable academic achievement gap between Black, Latino and white students for decades. So a few years ago, the school district decided to try something new at the high school: classrooms voluntarily separated by race.

Nearly 200 Black and Latino students at Evanston Township High School signed up this year for math classes and a writing seminar intended for students of the same race, taught by a teacher of color. These optional so-called affinity classes are designed to address the achievement gap by making students feel more comfortable in class, district leaders have said, particularly in Advanced Placement courses that historically have enrolled few Black and Latino students. 

I don’t know about you but, when I read that, all I could think of was Alabama Governor George Wallace, a Democrat, standing before the state capital on his inauguration, hollering, “Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” I stand behind my post title that Democrat policies for blacks have always been Jim Crow with a smiley face.

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