Man gathers petition signatures for ‘Palestine’ and hilariously includes ‘Terms and Conditions’
As conservatives, many of us do our best to find the silver lining and be thankful in all circumstances, but as we would readily admit, it can often be a taxing endeavor, especially when we live in perhaps one of the most dumbed down ages in history, if not the most dumbed down age in history—television and 24/7 entertainment, overwhelming amounts of endocrine and neurological disruptors in our environment, little (if any) societal pressure to behave morally, and a social media culture has created a nightmare of a situation.
When you observe the actions of the average American leftist, or listen to the “reasons” he provides to explain why he believes what he believes, and you painfully suffer through the consequences of his decisions, there’s not much you can appreciate. But, I’m happy to announce, I’ve found something for which we can be grateful!
The modern leftist, being historically unique in his lack of knowledge and intellect, forces we conservatives to get very creative in our efforts to educate him and bring him up to speed on reality and critical thinking!
Now the video is only a minute long—I think you’ll get quite a kick out of it—and you’ll see exactly what I mean:
WATCH: A man walks around and asks folks if they support Hamas and their efforts to free Palestine...
— Anthony Hughes (@CallMeAntwan) November 2, 2023
At first, many say, "Yes!"
However, once they hear the terms and conditions, every one of them backs out.
Right off the bat, the respondents’ willingness to sign (almost blindly) elicits two thoughts:
First, these people were completely trusting of the man gathering signatures. I have to wonder if this is because as a whole, they’re interacting with others who are for the most part, honest? If so, I would then ask, why do they think they live in an America where one can first assume strangers on the street are telling the truth instead of lying? Well, the obvious answer is that this is a society rooted in Judeo-Christian values, an ethos which is still alive (although just barely), and it is not a Islamist society (at least not yet), in which falsehoods and subterfuge are virtues.
My second thought is that the man gathering signatures for “his” cause is the one making sure the people putting their name to a political effort, with real-world repercussions, know what they’re about to sign—but shouldn’t that be their responsibility and concern? After all, it’s their name, not his. Is this how they decide their vote too? (Unfortunately, we all know that answer.)
Seems like these people are keen to learn the hard way that Islamist societies are built on the blood and bodies of those weaker, both physically and cognitively, a society in which clearly they wouldn’t do very well.
Hat tip: A great American, Roger Score of Tucson, Arizona.