Get a load of the gushing about Joe Biden coming from the Chicom state press
Joe Biden has been a figure of fun in the Chinese press, based on his stumbles and senility, but that's changed in the past week or so.
Now there's just gushing -- really icky gushing because it's so divorced from reality.
The Chinese press is now running this kind of tripe to remind us Americans what a loser he is, but how good he is by default for China:
Exploring Chinese social media views on Biden ahead of the Xi-Biden meeting. From 'Sleepy King' to 'Thriving China Joe' and from perceived evil to friend, the views (and memes) on Biden are multifaceted. Read:
— Manya Koetse (@manyapan) November 14, 2023
The tweet also contains a link to a useful compilation from Manya Koetse from a site called "What's on Weibo" which says it reports social trends in China.
Broadly speaking, it describes how the Chicoms of the internet, government-sponsored or just useful idiots, have had a lot of fun making fun of Joe Biden and all his pink wokesterly idiocies, but at this point, have turned gushy-friendly, as their masters in Beijing instruct.
What does that say about Joe Biden that China now thinks he's a friendly guy? It's strange stuff, given China's menacing of Taiwan, its human rights violations, its persecution of Christians, its spy balloons, its illegal police stations and other outrages. That Joe isn't hammering them on this and telling them to not even think of committing those acts again tells us that they've got him right where they want him. They know and he knows that he's their puppet now.
What a horrible position for a president of the United States.
Image: Twitter screen shot