Democrats attack from all sides and introduce legislation to come after ‘bulk’ sales of ammo

Just today I penned a blog on news out of Texas that a Trump-appointed federal judge had issued a nationwide stay on the ATF’s pistol brace ban—but the high was short-lived. Allow me to explain:

In a move that the Democrats and the bureaucratic left clearly would have anticipated, the judge  in that case announced that “public safety concerns must be addressed in ways that are lawful.” Gee, what a concept, the federal government (at least somewhat and sometimes) being held to the supreme law of the land too?

So, the Democrats covered those bases too, and instead of trying to legislate through the unconstitutional bureaucracy, they’re going through the branch of government where lawmaking is supposed to take place; eight days ago Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and California’s Robert Garcia introduced a bill they named the Ammunition Modernization and Monitoring Oversight Act, abbreviated as the AMMO Act. As the press release posted to Garcia’s official website says, the federal law “would restrict bulk sales of ammunition, would require businesses who sell ammunition to obtain the same federal license as gun dealers, and would require businesses to conduct a background check on buyers.” So what classifies as a “bulk” sale? From the text of the bill itself, “more than 1,000 rounds” of almost all calibers in a 5-day time frame—the one exception is .50 BMG, which in that case, 100 rounds meets the “bulk” definition.

Now, once upon a time, Israel enacted ammunition restriction legislation too—but a little over a month ago on October 8th, Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir made an emergency declaration to “allow as many citizens as possible to arm themselves.” The new process allowed for a required interview to be done over the phone instead of in-person, mandated that good-to-go gun license applicants receive their approval within a week, and… altered ammunition restriction rules, increasing the number of rounds allowed in a person’s possession from 50 to 100.

Yes, you read that right, I didn’t miss any zeros—no wonder it was such a slaughter. Even if an Israeli had a firearm in their home, what good is a few dozen rounds against an army with thousands of rounds? I heard of one report in which a man who fortunately had a firearm in his private residence (he was a member of the special police force), miraculously held off ten terrorists; but he was obviously the outlier, and as Andrea Widburg noted in an essay she wrote on the story, he and his family likely only survived because he probably hoarded a secret little stash of ammunition.

Reported by the Times of Israel, the IDF estimated that around “3,000 Hamas terrorists” invaded Israel on October 7th. For goodness’ sake, that number is a fraction of the foreign invaders crossing our southern border every single day—just two months ago, CBS News reported that internal Border Patrol data showed around 7,000 apprehensions of illegals occurred during the first 20 days of September. That does not include the ones not apprehended.) We know Hamas, ISIS, and every other “death to America” third world mentality replacement is already here, and it’s only a matter of time before they try October 7th on American soil.

The Israelis learned the hard way that the best way to guarantee the physical safety of you and your family is to posses the necessary tools to secure said safety; without guns, you’ve got absolutely no hope, because no one is coming to save you.

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