CLOWN WORLD: Delusional man pays for meds to simulate the discomfort of a female monthly cycle

As a general rule, I’ve long held the belief that men are the more rational sex, and it comes down to the design behind the created order, but let me show you one of those exceptions, rooted out by the ever-reliable Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok:

As I’m not actually in this dude’s medicine cabinet and because he flashes the vial so fast, I can only speculate, but it seems obvious he’s talking about synthetic hormones since it’s the natural hormones in a woman’s body that cause menstruation, or a “period.” But according to this guy, who’s hijacked the word to convince us that his simulated “experience” is just as legitimate as a woman’s natural one, a “period” is more than just menstruating; it is a “collection of symptoms.”

Gotta love it when a man corrects a woman and dictates to her what a period actually is because he’s insecure about his fictitious “reality.” Listen buddy, we all know who you’re trying to convince, and it’s not us.

Now, call me crazy, but it seems like there are easier and cheaper ways to experience bloating, tiredness, and nausea instead of constantly buying and injecting synthetic hormones, right? Can’t this dude just go eat some Mexican food? Or maybe a bunch of beans?

Yet, this video of the Big Pharma business model in action provides a perfect example of how brainwashed the left really is, but especially the “trans” left. Who pays hundreds of dollars a month, to the “health” industry, to trigger negative physical maladies? I mean, seriously? Have you ever heard of such a bizarre paradox?

Is it just a coincidence that the people who are so out of their mind that they think they’re actually the opposite sex (or some fluid “gender” on a spectrum) would also spend real money on drugs to trigger stomach aches and abdominal discomfort? Isn’t Munchausen syndrome still categorized as a psychological condition?

This dude is obviously on the wrong meds. Shame on his “healthcare” provider and the “medical” industry.

Lastly, did you notice the pentagram and the “trans” flag in the background? Why does Satan-worship and the inversion of the created order always seem to go hand in hand? Another coincidence?

Image from X.

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