CIA official who posted selfie-stickers for Palestine on her social media ... not disciplined
We're in the best of hands.
So we are told to think as we've learned that the CIA employed someone so emotional she can't keep her Palestinian advocacy to herself in public forums, in this case. You would think CIA officials would keep themselves a little classified, a little mysterious, but not this one. She's into social media. She's into what are known as "stickers," colorful little advocacy buttons posted on her own selfie photos on her social media accounts. It's plausible that people like her communicate through emojis. And she's doing it because all the kids are doing it.
Here she is, associate deputy director for analytics, and has been the person who prepares the president's daily briefing as gatekeeper for what intelligence the president sees each morning when he gets briefed and what he doesn't:
EXCLUSIVE: Meet The Senior CIA Official Caught Posting Pro-Palestinian Content On Social Media
— Trumpish Retired NCO (@virgofiveeight) November 28, 2023
Associate Deputy Director for Analysis Amy McFadden via @dailycaller
Love the 1991-look suit redolent of the woman in the Zombietime 2008 Obama fund-raising photo under the caption: One half of a glamorous power couple from a bygone era. Like teenagers, the swamp has its own way of dressing. Her, too.
In any case, her loudly pro-Palestinian and, yes, pro-Hamas message, posted on publicly available social media, drew the attention of even the Financial Times, as well as other media outlets, raising questions as to her impartiality.
The CIA said she wouldn't dream of being impartial.
According to the Washington Free Beacon:
"CIA officers are committed to analytic objectivity, which is at the core of what we do as an Agency," a CIA spokeswoman told the Free Beacon in an emailed statement. "CIA officers may have personal views, but this does not lessen their—or CIA’s—commitment to unbiased analysis." The agency declined to say whether McFadden would be subject to disciplinary action or termination.
Sure she is. That's exactly what Defense Intelligence Agency traitor Ana Montes told her investigators when it came to light that she was a supporter of Puerto Rican Marxist separatists aligned with Cuba. She eventually went to prison for spying for Cuba but claimed at the time that even with her personal views, she was completely objective.
Meanwhile, over at CIA, McFadden also did this:
Although McFadden’s particular beliefs on Israel are unclear, she "liked" one post by the International Crisis Group in the last week. That post shared an article in Foreign Affairs that chastised Israel for "making the utter defeat of Hamas its top priority."
The Beacon noted that one of that group's analysts had been recently outed as an Iranian propagandist, and another top official is under investigation as an Iranian agent.
How great to have our CIA officials agreeing with an Iran propaganda operation.
But rest assured, she's completely objective.
Instead of doing anything about it -- like get her moved to some anodyne duty or firing her for being on the side of an enemy of a critical U.S. ally that just got done raping women, beheading kids, and baking a baby in an oven -- the CIA moved to defend her, saying she is completely objective and said she didn't mean anything by that.
A US official told NBC that an email had been sent to staff as “simply a reminder of existing policy,” and that McFadden had not been disciplined. The official also noted that she has an “extensive background in all aspects of the Middle East and this post was not intended to express a position on the conflict.”
Not intended to express a position? It looks like a pretty specific position to us, one that takes work to do, and did she do it on office hours?
Didn't they just say their personnel were entitled to their own opinions earlier? And isn't that claim a little laughable on its face? She stuck pro-Hamas propaganda on her face, after all.
They announced a reissue of its "guidelines" for social media posts but didn't condemn here, kind of like the way Congress issued a general condemnation of bigotry of all stripes back when Rep. Ilhan Omar was posting about Jews being "all about the benjamins."
According to the Times of Israel:
The US Central Intelligence Agency issued staff guidelines reiterating the need for objectivity after a senior analyst shared pro-Palestinian posts online.
The move come amid reported dissatisfaction among some US government workers with President Joe Biden’s strong support for Israel in the wake of the October 7 Hamas assault on southern Israel that killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and saw 240 kidnapped to Gaza.
The incident was first reported Tuesday by the Financial Times, which said that the agency’s associate deputy director for analysis had posted a picture of a man waving a Palestinian flag.
The report did not identify the analyst, citing “concern about her safety.”It also noted that several years ago she had posted “a selfie with a sticker saying ‘Free Palestine’ superimposed on the photograph” on Facebook.
Feel confident?
How did this person ever pass a background check? She's pro-Hamas, doing Hamas's bidding under the tired old rubric of love for the Palestinian children, whom the Palestinian Hamas leaders sure as heck don't love, using them as human shields and suicide bombers. As a CIA official, she should know that Hamas has a vast propaganda operation which includes TikTok spreading through U.S. campuses, which accounts for all the poster-ripping and keffiyeh-wearing. She either is aware of this and is all for it or isn't aware of this, raising questions about the entire quality of the U.S. intelligence apparatus.
Seriously, why did she do that, and why was she so sure that when she did it, no negative attention would come, no questions about her impartiality would be raised, because "everybody does it." I suspect there's a whole nest of them with those views, and they like to reinforce each other the way teenagers do with their selfie stickers and the like.
A good CIA analyst needs to hear and understand multiple points of view, including the one the U.S. public supports, which is to support Israel. Apparently, she's never bothered to pay attention to anything outside her swamp world, which despises Israel.
The sheer blase quality of both the posts and the CIA's response suggests something is wrong at that agency, every bit as wrong as the kind of Trump-hate seen at the FBI.
The agency is going to have to put out more serious proof that it's unbiased in its assessment as it claims, and it needs to get rid of her in any sensitive post, or else it needs to go on the congressional chopping block. Taxpayers shouldn't be paying for this.
Right now, we know what this person "likes," and it's not what decent Americans or anyone decent 'likes.' We are going to need a lot better from the CIA to regain any confidence in its objectivity.
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