Biden’s DOJ is about to give Biden a pass for violating national security laws

Our “Justice” Department is irredeemably corrupt, which is why Vivek Ramaswamy’s idea of firing half the employees there (along with prosecuting those who engaged in illegal acts) is a great idea. We’ve seen this corruption daily on display with the DOJ’s obsessive focus on destroying Donald Trump to deny Americans their right to vote for the candidate of their choice. Now, news has broken about the flip side: The same DOJ that is prosecuting Trump for allegedly “mishandling” classified documents, even though, as President, it was impossible for him to have done so, will be giving a pass to Joe Biden, who, as both Vice President and Senator manifestly violated national security laws.

In August 2022, the DOJ broke all norms by raiding the home of a former American president, claiming that he had improperly handled documents related to national security. Then, in July 2023, this same DOJ indicted the former president of the United States on 37 counts of mishandling documents that he came into possession of while still president.

I cannot emphasize strongly enough how fraudulent and corrupt these charges are. Unless everyone in the DOJ is a complete moron, which is probably not true, the attorneys there know that Trump could not have violated national security laws because he was president at all relevant times. I spell out the argument at length here, but here’s the core point: The President of the United States is the ultimate authority when it comes to national security classification (and national security, generally).

Image by Andrea Widburg using AI.

When Trump took possession of the documents at issue, he had plenary (that is, absolute) power in that region. No sniveling bureaucrat could override that authority. Nor did he need to follow any procedural rules. He was the big guy. What he said—indeed, what he demonstrated through his actions—was a definitive statement about the classified (or non-classified) nature of the documents. End of story. Done. Nothing more.

This means that, when Trump, while still president, made the decision to remove from the White House documents that some clerk had marked as classified and transfer them to Mar-a-Lago (which, incidentally, is under federal protection), that decision cannot be questioned or challenged. Most importantly, it cannot be made the basis of a criminal case arguing that he improperly possessed those same documents.

Things are different when it comes to the documents Joe Biden carelessly stored in his garage, where his drug- and prostitute-addicted son, the one selling his soul to China, had easy access to them. Biden collected those documents when he was a Senator and Vice President. In other words, when he lacked any plenary power to make national security calls. When he stowed those documents away in an unsecured area, he violated the Espionage Act of 1917, something that should see him rotting in prison for the rest of his life.

However, in a coincidental act that will surely surprise everyone (NOT), it appears that Biden’s DOJ has decided that Biden should not be prosecuted:

Funny how these things work out. Under the Constitution, it was impossible for Trump to have violated national security laws by possessing documents he had declassified, but he is being criminally prosecuted. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, who had no authority whatsoever to declassify records but nevertheless carelessly stored them in his garage, gets a pass.

Aside from the revolting partisanship and corruption on display here, there’s something more profound and dangerous going on. A free nation cannot survive when the laws are applied so unevenly, with those whom the government prefers over the law and those whom it deems its enemies under the law. Indeed, once you have this situation, you are no longer a free country. You are, simply, a dictatorship wearing the tattered garments of Lady Liberty, the gal you’ve already assaulted and left bleeding on the pavement.

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