Arab oil sheikhs make bank at UN's COP28 greenie global warming conference

In the age of 'green growth' and 'save the planet' what's an Arab oil sheikh's best friend for petroleum product deals?

Try a virtue-signalling global greenie gathering.

According to Politico:

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) schemed to use its position as host country of the imminent COP28 United Nations climate talks to discuss oil and gas deals with more than a dozen countries, leaked documents show.

Briefing notes prepared by the UAE's COP28 team for meetings with foreign governments during the summit, which starts Thursday in Dubai, include talking points from the Emirati state oil and renewable energy companies, according to documents published Monday by the Centre for Climate Reporting.

So while their virtue-signaling attendees were pontificating about net zero lower carbon emissions and ending the use of fossil fuels, some of them were cutting deals on the side with Arab oil producers tp scarf up new oil supplies.

Seems the greenie summit was an ideal place to expand one's access to more oil and more gas production supplies even as the statements went out about cutting carbon emissions. 

More fuel, more emissions, but don't tell the boys (or whatever) at the global warming summit.

And in a way, it makes sense. Green energy is so wasteful it typically requires extra backup to ensure a reliable supply of power and that's where the oil sheikhs can be helpful.

Natural gas is useful, too, as it's critically needed to fuel all the electric-car charging stations of the new green economies emerging.

Fact is, the greenie world is full of such hypocrisies, and this deal cutting isn't the only stuff going on. There are the Solyndras, with their vast waste of taxpayer dollars, there is the fake science on global warming that is constantly getting exposed as fraudulent and there are the plumes and clouds of carbon emissions that come of just jetting into these summits on private jets by these elites.

What a scam the greenie agenda is. This deal cutting by Big Oil is just the latest of it.

Image: Screen shot from The Clash video, via YouTube

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