Tyranny proves to be quite a confusing concept to grasp… for some people

Today on X, I found this:

Now, @ForestMommy is a woman named Jessica Fenske, and she seems like a pretty swell gal—in her X “bio” she doesn’t mince words, and vocalizes her hatred for the government—but she leaves out important context, and when I began to process through what she missed, I realized (or was reminded of) two distinct facts.

But first, the context.

Yes, history shows that inevitably, on a long enough timeline (which actually, isn’t very long at all), governments do “bad, violent, [and] murderous stuff.” And when that happens, naturally, there is political strife and discord, and civic estrangement between members of the citizenry… because some of those people, got other people (who just want to be left alone to live peaceful and prosperous lives), into a bad, violent, and murderous mess.

Whether it’s because some of those people refuse to acknowledge that elections have consequences, and stolen elections have even worse consequences, or because some of those people are too unthinking, willfully ignorant, and arrogant to realize their folly is ushering in tyranny.

I certainly blame the human actors making up a bad, violent, and murderous government, those who personally mete out the tyranny, but I admit, I also levy a great burden of guilt onto my fellow American who voted for or continues to miss the obtrusive reality that the government is unchecked, and salivating over the thought of a bad, violent, and murderous end for everyone, not just the MAGAts, or the Trump supporters.

So I’d like to correct Ms. Fenske, and iterate to her that it’s not “citizens” in general, but only some people in the citizenry who turn to their neighbor, who didn’t vote in and doesn’t support the tyrannical government, and see him as the enemy.

We are, of course, speaking about the average (stupid) American leftist.

Revelation/Reminder Number One:

The average American leftist doesn’t read anything grounded in objectivity or morality—otherwise, they would have known what Plato said about ignorance, and what Ayn Rand said about selfishness. Are these people bona fide bibliophiles? Perhaps. (Unless it’s “trans” erotic smut I suppose, in which case, they will try to force every school-aged child to read it too.)

Revelation/Reminder Number Two:

The average American leftist doesn’t know anything about history, especially American history—otherwise they would know what one of the most important documents in American history, the Declaration of Independence, says. See below:

That to secure these [unalienable] Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Governments exist for one sole purpose, and that is to protect the inalienable rights given to us by our Creator. When a government absconds from that role, or “becomes destructive of these ends,” or “does bad, violent, murderous stuff” then the people have a right to abolish it. That government is the enemy, and anyone who continues to support this government, like the average American leftist, becomes an accomplice to the democidal and tyrannical horrors.

Again, this is nothing cosmic as I’ve repeated this ad nauseum, but still, some people just don’t get it.

Image: John Trumbull, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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