The surprising answer to the 78-old-vet’s question about welfare for illegals
A 78-year-old veteran asked a question that went viral: Why are illegal aliens getting more benefits than he does? While his facts were shaky, his premise is valid: Illegal aliens suck up tax money. The answer lies in how leftists on the Supreme Court interpreted the 14th Amendment.
Paul is a Vietnam veteran, former correctional officer, and truck driver who is 100% disabled and living primarily on his Social Security disability and Medicare. He’s noticed that illegal aliens who sneaked into a country to which they contributed nothing are suddenly getting lots of taxpayer benefits:
What hell here goes; I am 78 years old. I worked most of my life. I paid my taxes and now I'm 100% disabled. So, I draw SS disability, this is supposed to provide for me. I get $1705 a month; I also get Medicare. Now I draw more from other retirements. My question is what in the…
— Paul (@stoneyman1945) October 6, 2023
In fact, illegal aliens are not receiving $2,200 in cash, although some do receive cash payments. That doesn’t mean Paul’s completely wrong. Illegals receive valuable, taxpayer-funded benefits despite breaking into the country and contributing nothing to the general fund paying out those benefits.
FAIR has studied the costs illegal aliens impose on taxpayers. As of January 2023, illegal immigration costs Americans “at least $150.7 billion” annually (the difference between the taxes illegal aliens pay and the costs they impose on the economy).
But if we don’t give them cash, why are they imposing costs on us? That’s because we still give them things, and they impose other expenses on the system. At the federal level, $6.6 billion goes to educating children here illegally, $23.1 billion to paying their medical expenses, $25.1 billion to paying for their impact on the justice system (imprisonment, deportation, etc.), and $11.6 billion on welfare programs intended for families with children.
The money flow doesn’t stop at the federal level. States and localities pay up, too. Across America, states are paying $73.3 billion to educate children here illegally, $18.6 billion for medical care for illegal aliens, $21.8 billion in costs for the criminal justice system, and $2 billion in welfare expenditures.
There are less tangible costs. Illegal immigrants are destroying border communities in Texas. Moreover, when illegals are shipped to formerly smug sanctuary cities such as New York and Chicago, housing and caring for them is breaking their budgets.
Even that doesn’t cover everything. When your school system is flooded with illegal alien children, your children are getting shortchanged. Likewise, when illegal aliens move into lower-income neighborhoods, there are housing shortages and rent increases, and the illegal aliens, many of whom have an excellent work ethic, take jobs previously held by American workers. That’s a cost, too.
So, why are illegal aliens getting what amounts to non-cash welfare? Blame the men in black…that is, leftists on the United States Supreme Court.
The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, states in Section 1 as follows:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. (Emphasis added.)
That phrase “all persons born…in the United States” was intended to ensure that former slaves, who had previously been denied full status as American citizens thanks to the infamous Dred Scott decision, would henceforth be considered full American citizens, with all the rights and protections that entailed.
The case that gave that same protection to illegal aliens was 1982’s Plyler v. Doe. There, the five leftist justices held that the word “persons” meant that illegal aliens could not be deprived of “equal protection of the laws,” something that, in the case of Plyler, extended to free education. Using this logic, people whom Congress never contemplated in 1868, after a civil war and when there was no mass migration and, significantly, no welfare should have the vote, too.
Meanwhile, though, while they can’t receive cash (yet), they’re otherwise entitled to the equal protection of the laws, including whatever welfare leftists can squeeze through. This is helped by leftists concluding that the word “person,” whenever used in the Constitution, means anybody with a foot on American soil. To them, there is no difference between a natural-born citizen, a naturalized citizen, a legal foreign resident, and an illegal alien.
And that, dear Paul, is why you’re not getting the full benefit of the money you paid into the system. Instead, as more illegals flood America, more of your (and my) tax dollars will pay for their “equal protection” right to taxpayer largesse.
Image: Illegal aliens entering Texas. YouTube screen grab.