The Hamas wing at the House: Rep. Ilhan Omar can't bring herself to vote for a widely supported House resolution supporting Israel

If Rep. Ilhan Omar ever wanted to disabuse anyone of the idea that she's a dyed-in-the-wool anti-Semite, she could have voted with the vast majority of Congress for the anti-Hamas resolution that just passed 412-10 in the House yesterday.

According to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune:

Rep. Ilhan Omar broke from her Minnesota colleagues and most other members of the U.S. House on Wednesday by voting against a resolution in support of Israel in the wake of attacks by Hamas.

Omar, the Democrat who represents Minneapolis and several of its suburbs, was one of just 10 House members to oppose the measure, and the only one from Minnesota. The resolution, which is largely symbolic and garnered 412 votes in favor, reaffirmed Israel's right to self-defense, condemned "Hamas' brutal war against Israel" and proclaimed the U.S. ready to assist Israel in the conflict.

But she didn't.

She was one of ten holdouts, all wokester leftists, who refused to condemn the terrorist outfit for its October 7 attack in Israel that killed 1,400 people, and injured thousands more, not even agreeing with Israel's right to self-defense. 

It was a no brainer. Even most Democrats voted for it. But Omar took the Hamas side, claiming it was all about her love for the Palestinian children. For that, she had a problem with Israel defending itself from more attacks from these very guilty dirtbags.

Omar said the resolution "rightly acknowledges and mourns the lives taken by Hamas," but said she voted against it because it "fails to acknowledge and mourn" the Palestinians killed by Israel in retaliation.

"Our position should be consistent in defending innocent lives," Omar said in a statement. "We must use diplomacy to secure the release of hostages, end the violence by negotiating a ceasefire, restore water, food and fuel to Gaza, and work toward lasting peace."

She's all in for useless negotiations with these killers, as if diplomacy could be effective in turning these mangy predators dripping with the blood of 1,400 people and obviously loaded with cash and Iran sponsorship into pussycats. And as if Israel has not already tried this -- again and again and again after some violent attack or another.

Which looks pretty skeevy. Anyone decent could sign on to this resolution condemning Hamas and affirming Israel's right to defend itself after that monstrous attack, the worst since the Holocaust.

But she couldn't bring herself to do it. Which is weird stuff, a loud radio signal to the world's terrorist outfits and their enablers that her shingle is still out for them, she's still as anti-Semitic as they are.

After all, she has been caught making anti-Semitic statements ("all about the Benjamins") against Jews, and even got a watered-down resolution against such statements in Congress, triggered by news of her tweets, but loudly denied she had an anti-Semitic bone in her body.

She's such a liar, no different from Hamas. If she's no anti-Semite, well then neither is Hamas, because her argument is the same as that of Hamas.

If she can't draw the line at mass murder of the most heinous sort, maybe the new Speaker of the House can bring up that resolution on anti-Semitism again, and pass a non-watered down version of it this time, explicitly condemning Omar and her anti-Semitic remarks. She hasn't changed any since that resolution. She hasn't mellowed. She hasn't grown cautious and circumspect. She just keeps right on repeating the talking points of her pals in the terrorist world. Congress should sanction her immediately.

Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of screen shot from shareable Rep. Ilhan Omar Facebook Live video.

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