Teachers’ union in California threatens to strike if homeless people can’t camp in parking lots

While the teachers flaunt their “righteousness” and fancy themselves activists, the more apropos term is “useful idiots” — they are unwitting accessories to an agenda that is antithetical to everyone’s best interest, including their own.

The Fresno Teachers Association, a union with around 4,000 members, is headed towards a strike, largely because the superintendent of the Fresno Unified School District, Robert Nelson, hasn’t budged on allowing school parking lots to become homeless camps; as Nelson says, the proposal isn’t within the district’s “area of expertise.”

But according to the president of the union, Manuel Bonilla, it is; from a new report at The Washington Free Beacon:

The Fresno Teachers Association laid out the policy in a contract proposal, which calls to ‘open high school parking lots to homeless families to park their car.’ The union acknowledges the move would require ‘paid security’ at a cost of at least $500,000, one of many expensive proposals union president Manuel Bonilla is pursuing in an attempt to address what he calls ‘societal things.’

“Families” huh? Are these the same people who called the thousands of military-aged men pouring across our border “families” too?

Oh, they also want “free” yoga too:

(Dollars to donuts these people are not in yoga-shape.)

Unsurprisingly, the district has “balked” at the idea of inviting problems that come with a half a million dollar price tag to start, and as a result, the union is “expected to authorize a strike” in the coming weeks because of it.

First off, if a superintendent (who is a leftist himself) has to tell his teachers that “societal things” like homeless outreach aren’t actually a priority, let alone part of their job, suffice to say that these teachers have completely abandoned their post as “educators” in favor of revolutionary activism. I’m actually personally mortified to learn that grown adults can seriously allow “unhoused” populations to become a sticking point in union negotiations; how can they do this with a straight face?

These teachers are also exceptional intact specimens of leftist brain rot and how that manifests in the public square. Inflation is out of control, taxes are through the roof (especially in California), and apparently the cost-of-living crisis is so bad, that the best course of action is to turn school parking lots into Skid Row and hire private security to patrol the lots for the anarchy that will inevitably arise?

Forget ending the handouts and instituting zero tolerance policies for drug use and public indecency! The responsible and compassionate approach is enabling incivility and fostering more chaos—the people coming up with “solutions” like this are also responsible for molding the minds of tens of thousands of children.

Parents, get your children out of the public system immediately.

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