Special warfare elites, including Navy SEALs, to be randomly tested for performance-enhancing therapies
How much are America's enemies paying Joe Biden to wage a war against the lethality of our military?
According to a press release this past Friday, Biden's brass is set to take another step toward the feminization of the U.S. military. Starting in less than a month, service members under the command of Naval Special Warfare (which includes those in the SEAL units), will undergo an increase in "randomized" drug testing — but interestingly, higher-ups are concerned with only a certain substances, and will be on the exclusive lookout to detect anyone using Performance Enhancing Drugs, or PEDs. See an excerpt from the announcement below:
In a decisive move to underscore the health, safety, and readiness of its force, Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Command is set to introduce incremental, random force-wide urinalysis testing for Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs), commencing Nov. 1st of this year.
This initiative stems from the command's continuous effort to eliminate unauthorized PED use, a matter that Rear Adm. Keith Davids, commander, Naval Special Warfare Command, stresses is of paramount importance.
'My intent is to ensure every NSW teammate operates at their innate best while preserving the distinguished standards of excellence that define NSW,' said Davids.
(Distinguished standards of excellence? From the branch that hires transvestites to seduce new recruits and celebrates "post-transition" queer pilots?)
The Navy's goal is not to root out anyone under the influence of recreational drugs or mind-numbing substances, but rather find those using therapies known to maximize physical and mental performance. Drugs like "steroids, human growth hormone, and SARMs" are in the crosshairs — not marijuana, not cocaine, and not opioids.
Here's some quick context: "steroids" refers to the anabolic (growth) therapies that have been around for years (think testosterone injections); "human growth hormone" relates to cellular repair and is also said to stimulate the production of IGF-1 (another growth hormone); and SARMs are designer steroids that only hit certain androgen receptors, which in theory avoid the unwanted side-effects of anabolic steroids.
Taking these drugs properly means a soldier who is faster, is stronger, is mentally sharper, needs less sleep, and can withstand greater psychological pressure and physical abuse — the exact kind of soldier you'd want in your Tier One and elite units — so of course Biden and his leftist gay brass would make it a priority to root out any man using modern medicine to enhance his physical and mental performance.
Because, you see, homosexualization and the effeminacy of our men are what this is all about. It's not a matter of "health" and "safety" as Davids claims; it's simply an attack on strength and maleness. How do we know? Well, the Navy takes no offense when these men want to take synthetic hormones (that's all PEDs are, after all) to become weaker and softer. Just ask "Emily 'Hawking' Shilling," the "post-transition" naval pilot linked above, or any of the regular sailors who feel like women. They can get these drugs, no problems, and the Navy will pay for it.
Furthermore, the release states that unsanctioned hormone therapies are "dangerous" and pose "significant risks." How ridiculous, given the job description! These are elite soldiers, whose jobs are often extremely dangerous and always pose significant risks, including death, a good portion of the time. (Don't take steroids because they're bad for you, say the "health experts," but you must take the Fauci ouchie, and we're sending you in as cannon fodder.)
The military used to be full of men like General Patton, rarely seen without a cigar in his mouth. (A number of studies have indicated that tobacco use is also linked to higher levels of natural testosterone, and cigarettes used to be included in rations.) But now the military has become ground zero for the war on toughness and masculinity, which is the exact last place you'd want this war to be.
Image: Public domain.