So the West is supposed to take in all those Gaza 'refugees' because the Arabs won't?

As Israel prepares to wipe out Hamas, ordering a million Gaza residents out of Gaza City, leftists here in the states already are making big plans for having those displaced residents come on over to the U.S. and make their home here.

According to the New York Post:

Experts predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and socialists and far-left lawmakers said America should welcome them.
“Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad” who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.
Yes, this being the left, they seek to hand out refugee status to the world's premier democracy and most developed country to every stone-aged ethnic-hatred-nursing fist-waver or mom-of-terrorists as a "reward" for hating and killing Jews in Israel.
Kill a Jew, get a green card.
And a creature like Joe Biden, who has already left our border wide open, will probably go along with it, if Republicans cannot manage to block this bad idea. To their credit, they are trying.
What's obnoxious here is that taking in refugees from a culture that is inundated with anti-Semitism is a surefire way of importing a lot more of it here. We have already seen the protests from yesterday, lots of Palestinian-Americans out marching, chanting 'intifada!' and 'Kill the Jews' in large numbers across many cities. Could there be some nice ones amongst these displaced people? Seems unlikely, given that most voted for Hamas. What's more, we haven't seen any protests from Gaza against Hamas and its 9/11-style sneak terrorist attack on innocent women and children. We did see spitting on the body of an unconscious or possibly dead woman, whose legs appeared broken and whose top had been ripped off by the terrorists, tossed in the back of a pickup truck for public spitting. That made them twirl with happiness in the streets of Gaza. I won't even get into the kidnapped people, the hostage murder, the families slaughtered in their homes, the gruesome murders of babies, and all the other atrocities that got them dancing in Gaza.
Those are exactly the people who don't belong here and don't deserve to live here. But here we have progressives, wanting to bring in more of them, as undoubtedly, the United Nations is likely pursuing, too.
Once in the states, complete with a U.S. passport, it won't be much trouble for them to make their way back into Israel and resume their terrorist activities, this time from the inside since there won't be any Gaza walls or tunnels to worry about.
And vet? How's our vetting going? Did we vet the Afghan refugees as the Biden administration assured they would be vetted? Didn't happen. As for the open border, vetting is for the birds -- crossing the border is strictly anything goes.
But the worst of it is that the neighbors are saying no to the Gaza refugees, specifically citing security concerns.
According to The Guardian (emphasis added)
Egypt is stepping up its military presence at its Rafah border crossing with Gaza, with fears that Israel intends to push hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees over the frontier into the Sinai desert.
Cairo has said the expulsion of so many Palestinians from their homes would be in breach of international law, and a national security risk for Egypt that is liable to bankrupt the country’s ailing economy. Palestinians themselves, and other Arab states, fear refugees would never be allowed back to their homes.
Jordan doesn't want them in their country, either.
According to Axios:
Jordianian King Abdullah II warned Secretary of State Tony Blinken in their meeting in Amman on Friday against any Israeli attempt to "forcibly displace Palestinians from all Palestinian Territories or cause their internal displacement," the Hashemite court said in a statement.

Why it matters: The King's harsh statement underscores Jordan's anxiety about the war in Gaza and concern that escalating tension in the occupied West Bank could lead to a flow of Palestinian refugees to Jordan.

  • The majority of Jordan's population is Palestinian. There have been in recent days mass protests in Jordan in favor of Hamas and the people of Gaza.
Even the Bedouin nomadic desert tribesmen have problems with them.
Nobody wants a terrorist around.
It's obvious that these states don't want terrorists in their midst, given the kinds of damage that terrorists do, as well as their capacity to hook up with big global terror outfits while ensconced in third countries. 
Yet these Democrats -- and unfortunately, Nikki Haley, who thinks they can be 'vetted' wants to let them in as some kind of clean-up service for the madness going on in the Middle East. Haley, whom I've been sympathetic to up until now, seems to naively think that every face in every fist-waving crowd of militants on film can be identified and sorted out from all the supposedly nice people of Gaza who don't fist-wave or dance in the streets to celebrate a terrorist attack on innocent people, let alone vote for Hamas. How does anyone vet for that? Perhaps if they'd turn in a Hamas leader or expose a tunnel for us or for Israel, they might be able to prove their bona fides as authentic refugees. Absent that, and they'd have to be among the haters, particularly in the absence of any protests against Hamas's killing spree, and in light of who the voters of Gaza elected.
Fact is, Egypt and Jordan know these guys better than we do, and they are saying 'no.' But here we have Democrats and some naive Republicans calling on Joe Biden to jump right in and let another round of refugees into the U.S. where presumably, they'll all turn nice once they make it halfway around the world. Refugees, recall, are supposed to go to their first country of refuge, not get exported several thousand miles away because their neighbors consider them a risk to their own security.
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