Passion for what's right: Must-watch videos from New York City

It's hard to see hope for California, but with videos like these going around out there on Twitter, we know for sure that there's hope for New York.

Here's the first one, by an academic at the Hartman Institute, Mijal Bitton, speaking outside New York University where the wokesters have staged pro-Hamas protests, spewed anti-Semtism, and intimidated Jewish people. She's a Jewish woman who was originally from Buenos Aires and lived through the monstrous terror attacks in Argentina in the 1990s, which are believed to have been the work of Iran. She remembers why she came here and what this country is starting to lose:



The second one is equally heartening -- someone, a no one, really, a typical guy from the outer boroughs of New York City, non-Jewish, stepping up, and as John Podhoretz notes, probably in Queens, judging by the background scenery, and challenging one of the sign-pullers ripping down signs of kidnapped Jewish innocents held hostage by the terrorists of Hamas. He, umm, uses the local vernacular, but it's an appropriate use of that kind of language, given the schmuck who's pulling down the signs.



The jackass he's addressing has very little to say for himself against this righteous anger. It's an impressive catharitic, and clearly shows that among random people in New York, there must be many who have their heads screwed on straight.

Hear and enjoy, because there is hope for New York out there based on these viral videos -- and hope for humanity, too.

Image: Twitter screen shot


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