Panel discussion at the Socialism Conference talks ‘children’s liberation’ to participate in ‘sex work’

The class of people who idolize men like Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin, take no issue with “despotic inroads” as means to seize private property, and find the “wrest[ing]” away of capital from the hands of the people who earned it the moral thing to do, are also shamelessly repugnant in their attitudes towards children being sold for sex. Imagine that.

During the first week of September, far-left “activists” descended upon Chicago for the 2023 Socialism Conference, and one panel discussion, The Politics of Childhood, delved into the “utopia” of child sex workers, and how to promote a “children’s liberation vision” in the context of the sex industry.

Now, the question came from someone in the audience named Chanel—Chanel identified as a “sex work activist” who labors at the “intersection of migrants, justice, capitalism, and sex work.” Listen to what Chanel had to say below:

(Since we only have audio, I can’t tell if Chanel is a female, or a trans-ified man.)

We don’t learn much about Chanel, but I deduce that he/she is “college-educated” given his/her comical pseudo-intellectual self-description, and, I assume Chanel is paid for his/her “activism” by nefarious benefactors (think Klaus Schwab or George Soros), because a free market, or an economy of desire goods and services has no use for Chanel’s “area of expertise.”

In Chanel’s own words:

We’ve been dealing with the child sex panic, you know, the child sex trafficking conspiracy theories for, since the late 90s, um, and I had never until this panel been like huh, what about young people in the sex industry as part of a children’s liberation vision? Like there’s just like a utopia I had never really thought of before because the world feels so separated and the issue of youth and sex work is so incredibly loaded… I don’t even know if I’d ask this question if this was [sic] being live streamed.

Translation: If he/she weren’t in a room of hyenas who also salivate over the thought of children being sold into the sex trade, he/she might feel a sting of social pressure to not voice such perverted personal beliefs.

Chanel does have one thing right, and that is that “child sex” does send people, like me, into a panic. Yeah, those “young people” in the “sex work industry”? Those are the trafficked children about whom we conspiracy theorists yammer.

I’m slightly amazed (but not really), that no one at that point was taken aback by Chanel’s insinuation that “utopia,” an imaginary place where everything is perfect, meant a world where children have no barriers preventing their entrance into the “sex industry.” Like I said, shamelessly repugnant.

But… Chanel continued:

You are rolling into a lot of trouble when you start talking about the rights of young people in the sex industry, but young people in the sex industry deserve and need rights at minimum actually, liberation and justice.

I want to hear folks who are thinking about the liberation of children and about movement for the liberation of children and how you understand just like to what extent you’re thinking through… because when that includes highly marginalized kids on the street, that for sure includes, people selling sex, right? That includes people selling sex to survive your foster care systems and on the streets… yeah, how are you thinking about that?

Of course, like the good Alinskyite he/she is (again, I can’t tell if this person is a woman or a “trans”), the Johns Hopkins professor who responds suggests a mass movement to unite behind the cause of child sex workers. Paganism never leaves, does it? For a leftist, encouraging Judeo-Christian morality, promoting strong families, and scaling back big government isnt the solution to a corrupt foster care system, its organizing a movement and fostering a culture of childrens liberation so these youngsters are free to have sex with their johns without any pushback from those crazy conservative conspiracy theorists who believe sex and children dont go together.

For the side that foolishly drones on and on about exploitation, they’re suspiciously quiet when children are exploited for sex, because after all, there is no such thing as a “child sex worker” and if a child is engaged in sexual acts, it’s because he/she has been grossly abused and exploited.

According to a Campus Reform article on the event:

Borysenko, the journalist who captured the audio, told Campus Reform it seemed like the audience accepted that children should be sex workers and that their ‘rights’ to solicit sex should be protected. Prior to the recording, there was conversation about abolishing the age of consent, she said.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it sounds like there’s an organized movement to promote pedophilia, and it’s radiating from the left.

Image from X.

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