Nauseating: George Washington University projects Hamas-glorifying slogans on a building with Jewish donors' names

Like an ignorant radical madrassa in some benighted fist-waving burg like Mogadishu or Kabul, George Washington University has allowed presumably students to project Jew-hating pro-Hamas statements on the wall of one of its august buildings in the heart of Washington, D.C.



"Glory to our martyrs"? "Divestment from Zionist genocide now"? "Free Palestine from the river to the sea"?

Had enough?

There's more. Adding insult to injury, check out the building they chose to spew their sickening Hamas slogans on:



The Gelmans were these people:



Don't tell me that choice of the Gelman building wasn't intentional, prompting snickers from the dirty-necked galoots and third-world gooberheads who did it.

It's just so ... gross. It's the embodiment of the third-world, third-rate confusion and resentment that V.S. Naipaul and R. Emmett Tyrrell wrote about in the 1980s. As these clowns fist-wave and turn George Washington University into a fourth-rate madrassa in a third-world hellhole, railing about Jews and spewing glory-to-martyrs garbage, these same resentful, jealous losers don't hesitate to step up to the plate for the best in western and Israeli education, medicine, technology, and dollar-denominated salaries, which George Washington University offers all of.

What a vile specter this is, to see gooberhead "thinking" take over the once-prestigious George Washington University and see it turn itself into some kind of bottom-of-the-barrel third-world dump without flush toilets.

But wait. It gets worse. According to J. Michael Waller:



The deep state hires these creeps. It's astonishing. They should get their federal money and hiring preferences cut off immediately. Any school that would adapt the ways of the dregs of third world society over the ways of the West, in order to Get Jews, needs to be treated as the fourth world madrassa it is. Yes, unless they punish and expel the low-class, low-life, low-education perpetrators as the dregs of society, make them a pariah school. 

Image:  Twitter screen shot







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