‘Mother lode’ of rare minerals used for EVs lies in Canada… beneath a ‘mother lode’ of naturally-sequestered CO2
Grab your popcorn, because there’s a full-speed, head-on collision between the left’s competing interests coming, and it’s fixing to be gory. From an item that appeared in The Wall Street Journal at the end of September:
Located underneath a distant, swampy expanse of spruce forests and meandering rivers in Northern Ontario that is cut off from major roads, the Ring of Fire is seen by industry and government officials as one of the world’s most important untapped sources of nickel, copper and cobalt—metals essential for making the batteries that power electric vehicles.
But the precious commodities are buried under a vast ecosystem of peat bogs, known by local groups as ‘the breathing lands,’ that hold more carbon per square foot than even the Amazon rainforest. Digging them up could trigger the release of more greenhouse gas than Canada emits in one year, turning one of the earth’s biggest carbon sinks into a major source of emissions, say climate advocates.
A debate over how, or whether, to tap in to this mother lode, located more than 700 miles Northwest of Toronto, has touched off a fight between mining companies, climate advocates, and indigenous groups as demand for cleaner energy and electric vehicles has surged worldwide.
Now, it goes without saying, I do not subscribe to the pseudo-science (at best) belief that CO2 in the environment is a bad thing, because it’s not. Sure, when highly-concentrated amounts are released all at once, like in instances of failed and ruptured pipelines for carbon capture schemes, but CO2 is essential to a literally green earth; without it, flora dies.
This is where competing interest number one enters the fray: the Net Zero position.
The left has built an entire narrative on this house of cards, using it as a launchpad to justify death and destruction—we see the murder of the innocent (population control measures) and global communism (Agenda 2030) both hidden (but only to the most obtuse) under the carbon-emissions-are-bad veneer.
Now, we see competing interest number two rev its engines: the electric vehicle mandate.
They’ve gotten themselves into a real pickle on this one, because the E.V. mandate, an agenda really in place so the globalist aristocracy can seize complete control over easy and free movement of the plebs, relies on the argument that CO2 is bad, and therefore we must transition to “green” energy and away from crude oil and natural gas.
Of course, this ignores the constant ecological and environmental damage done to procure the materials for the E.V. (ironically, exemplified by this very scenario of contemplating whether or not to destroy a vast and thriving swamp), as well the fact that the electricity for these rechargeable cars has to be produced somehow, often with the use of “dirty” energy, far outweighing the environmental impact of a gasoline vehicle.
But, if the greenie elites are to successfully implement their agenda of control over the people, they need to subjugate the West with her Judeo-Christian morality and ethics, and certainly, pushing the people back into squalor and serfdom is a good start—they need the E.V. mandate and the resources to execute it.
And last but not least, the most persuasive competing interest: the money.
Sure they said “people over profits” as they choked out the middle class, bludgeoned the private sector with taxation and regulation, and ramrodded ESG policies down the throats of the people, but this is nearly $70 billion we’re talking about! And, these nuts are true Marxists, which means like every Marxist creep before them, the movement towards utopia somehow winds up with all the wealth concentrated at the highest levels.
Okay okay, so they groveled over the terror of the West, lamenting over the plight of Indigenous peoples who have historically been trampled underfoot by corporations and the evil white man, but again... there is $70 billion on the line.
Yes I know, they screamed that capitalism is “evil” and “exploitation” as they butchered babies and stole from minority-owned small businesses, but didn’t you know? They’re hypocrites.
(This WSJ item really was chock-full of great tidbits which could be analyzed in myriad ways, so forgive me for missing a number of obvious absurdities, for the sake of brevity.)
Now, as a personal prediction, I suspect the mining venture will manifest, because the money, as always, is just too seductive—but I’m salivating over the thought of a little leftist figurative cannibalism before it does.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.