Mitt Romney confesses he didn’t know anything about Burisma when he voted to impeach President Trump

Mitt Romney voted to impeach President Trump for a phone call in which the president encouraged Ukraine to investigate allegations of serious corruption—coincidentally involving the Biden crime family—but according to a new book, the failed politician admits he had no idea what Burisma was when he voted to impeach a duly-elected president for calling on foreign governments to investigate alleged criminality.

That is extreme ignorance (not to mention dangerous) when a senator is willing to impeach a president just because he doesn’t like him, all without knowing the facts.

From a new piece by Mollie Hemingway:

When Joe Biden was vice president and in charge of looking into Ukrainian corruption, his son and his son’s business partner took extremely lucrative board positions with Burisma, a Ukrainian energy concern that was fighting off corruption investigations. The whole arrangement reeked to high heaven, and Trump was impeached for asking about Burisma in a phone call with Zelensky.

What happens next in the book is a shocking admission of profound ignorance from the senator, particularly considering his disdain for his Republican colleagues who did not fall for the impeachment. Romney admits to Hannity that even though he’s been signaling his support of the Democrat impeachment efforts, he actually has no idea what Burisma is. ‘How do you not know what Burisma is?’ Hannity reportedly asks.

It should be impeachable if a president found out about corruption of government officials in a foreign country and covered it up—not the other way around! That would clearly be a dereliction of duty. It should never be impeachable to be careful with taxpayer money, and to ask for investigations into corruption, no matter who the corrupt party is.

It is pathetic for Senate Republicans, but particularly Romney, to then suggest it is dangerous and risky to impeach Biden; see below:

Senate Republicans see Biden impeachment as fraught with risk[.]

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), who voted twice to convict Trump on impeachment charges during two separate Senate trials, said it’s not unusual for lawmakers to launch baseless attacks against a major party’s nominee for president, as happened to him in 2012.

It is dangerous to witness massive corruption, and look the other way.

It is dangerous to watch a president that works so hard to fund Iran, which in turn funds terrorism, and look the other way. 

It is dangerous to stand by as a president uses the (In)Justice Department to target his political opponents, and look the other way.

And it is dangerous to tacitly encourage a president who refuses to enforce immigration laws that Congress passed, and look the other way.

How could Romney claim that an impeachment based on Biden’s clear corruption is baseless? The impeachments that were baseless were the ones he voted for against Trump. 

It is greatly damaging to America when establishment Republicans, like Romney,  care more about destroying Trump than they do about Biden family corruption and the left’s disastrous radical policies to destroy and remake America. These sycophant politicians are just worthless tools of the media and the other Democrats who use them to destroy the party that’s supposed to represent the people. 

They seek to destroy Trump because he was an outsider trying to transfer the power, money, and freedom back to the people as fast as he could, and establishment Republicans, like Democrats, want to keep the power and wealth that they have wrested away from the American people.

We must drain the swamp and fulfill the wishes of the founding fathers to work for the people instead of the government.

Image: DonkeyHotey, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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