Man dragged out by his tshirt from Hillary Clinton event after he asked about Bill's 27 trips to Epstein Island

Some questions don't go away.

So when Hillary Clinton was asked about her husband Bill's 27 trips to Epstein Island, according to the flight records, by an audience questioner at an event, here's what came next:



They moved quickly. It's almost as if they were ready for people with these kinds of questions.

The security guards dragging the man out (he was a big fella so they needed multiple men) by his tshirt claimed that he was being thrown out because it was a private event. Based on the audience, it didn't appear that way.

And, there's no doubt he was pretty disruptive, not waiting his turn to ask his question, but shouting his question out loud. Notice the audience uproar in the tape.

But instead of just telling the guy to pipe down and wait his turn, or better still, answer the question, it seemed to be necessary at a Hillary Clinton event to drag the guy out, pulling him by his tshirt on the floor. 

Can't have uncomfortable questions with Hillary Clinton in the room.

Which pretty well tells us that this is a Hillary Clinton event all right. Hillary positively specialized in 'I don't recall' and other evasions to thousands of uncomfortable questions throughout her career in public life. This response shouldn't surprise anyone.

The one thing it did do was draw attention to the issue -- that her husband Bill took dozens of trips to Epstein's pedophile island in the Caribbean and if he was doing what a lot of them were doing, he was having a good time with the underage girls, willing or not. Was he subject to blackmail for it? Epstein filmed everything so that's a valid question, and now Hillary is out and about, touting the Clinton good times to the public and doing post-presidential candidate things like speeches and book deals.

Epstein is not around now, having supposedly committed suicide in a New York City lockup, where somehow the cameras were off. What's more, Epstein's girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, did go to prison for human trafficking offenses, but not a single man who engaged in the pedophile activity hosted by Epstein has gone to prison alongside her, let alone gotten his name in the papers. That's why asking about Bill's role is important, and as inelegantly as the question was asked, it remains a valid question.

It highlights the wall of silence that still dogs the Epstein case with its open questions.

In fact, only one politician that we know of has been willing to breach that wall of silence that got the man dragged out of the hall by his tshirt -- Donald J.Trump. Here he is questioning the matter:



Maybe some of the answers to these questions should be forthcoming from the Hillary camp, given that she's out and about now, roping in the crowds and making money.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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