Life is cheap in the Arab world -- and the West won't grasp the evil

If Americans do not have good background history, or very good intuition and common sense, it is increasingly difficult to cognitively negotiate the mainstream media war ‘news’ since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

Our gut tells us that we must sort this one out, quickly.  Concurrently, our decision-making as a free people is being hijacked by the leftist Democrats’ neurotic permaglue in massing to support the indefensible, e.g., the horror of Hamas (this leftist germinally fascistic stance that might also serve them well, briefly, as ‘socialists’).

Putting these phenomenally purblind Democrats aside, let’s look at what happened this week in Palestine.

Palestinian terrorists failed to blow up one of their own hospitals. The terrorists, and a few governments in the area, tried to blame the Jews. The Israeli government contends—and the White House, late in the day, agreed-- that Israel is innocent of this act.  Yet many in the MSM and U.S. government are still carrying water in a narrative that ‘subtly’ supports Hamas.

Fact check: life is cheap to terrorists. ‘Muslim’ carnage has been going on for centuries, at a level incomparable to any other ‘religion’ or ‘culture.’ Jews and Muslims; Muslims and Jews; it’s always been a big ‘problem.’ 

Jews are characteristically defensive; Muslims are far more brutally offensive in practice-against both Jews and Christians.   The Israelis have well documented and attested historical and Biblical priority in Jerusalem as home. The everyday, pitiable ‘Palestinians,’ a historically nomadic group, are being used, again, as human shields for terrorists.

If you want chapter and verse, open some vetted history books on the subject and read them. If you decline doing that, consider this: what is suicide bombing, anyway, but Muslims killing themselves-- we hear tell the suicides are for Allah, but not for any God as good as His name in America.

In most of the Arab world, life is cheaper than most Americans can readily imagine. Many Muslims would counter: ‘and, in your Great Satan world, too; just look at abortion.’ Touche.’ Doubtless America has lost a lot of moral ground since we turned our backs on God and our moral ancestry and let the U.S. Department of Education loose on our children. Given our declining profile as a civilized nation, now over several generations, no wonder we’re wobbling. However, we don’t have to lose everything. Not yet.

Evil is a funny thing. We never get it until it is standing on our heads and trying to bang our brains out. Then, frail creatures that we are, we can run for cover or fight back. Too many Democrat ‘leaders’ have an easy time with evil. They have so long been posturing aside the phony virtues of their ‘egalitarian’ Party, turning a blind eye to corruption; honoring criminals, knaves, and lying lawyers; taking their laps in the fetid pool of persecution of innocent men and women in the exercise of their own Constitutional rights. These actions are all the pleasures of fools. The media is, willy-nilly, cheering them on.

We are getting a huge and fearful dose of the mystery of iniquity in the terror attack on Israel.  The now-global radical spin machine is working non-stop to victimize the terrorists. We will never understand the mystery of evil, any more than we are conversant with the justice of God-- that is for later. For now, the United State must be utterly clear on this: we must be with Israel. For Israel alone, we need some actual heroes/heroines in Washington, for a big change-- and by yesterday.

Image: Golasso, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 4.0

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