Let’s talk about why it’s okay to say that Hamas’s troops are Nazis.

At American Thinker, we are careful not to call our American political opponents “Nazis” because that cheapens discourse and dishonors the Nazis’ victims. I’ll acknowledge that the Nazis were, and many of the Democrats are, proud socialists. And, as has become obvious in the past week, the Nazis loathed Jews, as do many at the heart of the Democrat party. But Democrats are not slaughtering Jews en masse and are not seeking world domination through force of arms. However, Islamists (an umbrella term that includes Hamas) share every metric with Nazis and, now that we have more details about how they slaughtered Jews, that similarity is more apparent than ever before.

Nazis were socialists, meaning that all power was centralized in the state. Everyone, voluntarily or not, was part of the socialist collective. Islamists are theocrats, meaning the religion and the state are one. Everyone, voluntarily or not, is part of the theocratic collective.

Nazi socialism had as a central tenet the belief that Jews were the enemy of the fascist state and must be destroyed. This tenet came from both Marx and Hitler. It is inseparable from the belief system. To this end, the Nazis came up with the idea of the Holocaust.

Islam has as a central tenet the belief that Jews are the enemy of the Sharia state and must be destroyed. This tenet comes directly from Muhammed. It is inseparable from the belief system. To this end, Muslims have been slaughtering Jews since the 7th century, a practice that continues today.

Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem greatly admired each other because of (among other things) their shared antisemitism:

Hitler dreamed of world domination. Islam is also based upon the principle of a global caliphate. Hitler was, and Muslims always have been, willing to act with tremendous violence to advance this globalist vision. In India alone, some estimates hold that ascendant Islam killed 90 million Hindus over four centuries. Nazis and Islamists have always needed their lebensraum.

Nazis were proud of their actions, with soldiers photographing their acts and Nazi bureaucrats keeping meticulous records about the civilians they murdered. With Hamas, one of the reasons we know so much about what they did to the Jewish civilians they attacked is because they filmed themselves and then shared those videos, sending them to family members of those they murdered and posting them on social media.

And here’s an interesting likeness that you probably didn’t see coming: Hitler’s forces were able to commit their atrocities against civilians and non-civilians alike because they were drugged to the gills with amphetamines. This engine powered the initially unstoppable Third Reich and dulled the troops’ ability to see civilians as fellow human beings.

That was in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Today, Israel announced that it discovered powerful amphetamines on the bodies of the Hamas terrorists who tortured and murdered men, women, and children:

Hamas terrorists who carried out a surprise attack on October 7 were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant that has been clandestinely produced in southern Europe and trafficked through Turkey to the consumer markets on the Arabian Peninsula, as reported by Nir Dvori of Channel 12.

The pills were recovered from the pockets of many terrorists who lost their lives on Israeli soil.

This stimulant drug, also known as the “cocaine for the poor,” allowed the terrorists to commit heinous acts with a sense of calmness and indifference. Simultaneously, it kept them highly alert for extended periods and suppressed their appetite.

Incidentally, ISIS fighters, part of the worldwide Muslim caliphate, used the drug, too, when they were slaughtering and enslaving Yazidis.

With their moral sense absent because of religious indoctrination and any spark of humanity dulled by drugs, here’s what Hamas soldiers did (and you try to tell yourself that it’s any different from what Nazis did). They tortured young children to death:

They murdered a woman in front of her children, booby-trapped her body, and used the children as human shields.

They forced a boy to call out to his neighbors that all was safe…and then slaughtered the neighbors, making him complicit in their deaths.

I could go on and on for hours. I won’t. It’s sickening. Unbearably sickening. It eats at your soul even to think of these horrors.

And just to give you more context about who’s the Nazi, look at what Hamas’s supporters in America are saying:

Hamas supporters are proud of the Nazi-Hamas nexus:

If it walks like a Nazi, talks like a Nazi, proudly boasts of being a Nazi and uses amphetamines to torture and murder civilians, including children, it’s a Nazi. So, if you’re one of those trying to find some moral equivalence between the drugged-out Hamas fighters deliberately targeting and torturing civilians, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the Israelis, trying desperately to run a clean war by giving civilians a chance to remove themselves from the infrastructure behind which Hamas hides, you’d better ask yourself, “Am I the baddie?”

And by the way, remember that they’re coming for you. This video came out a few years ago, but it seems appropriate now:

Image: An entire family laid to rest, killed only because they were some of over 1,000 civilians slaughtered merely for being Jewish. You can be certain that they did not die easy. None of them did.

UPDATE: Just so you know: "There is evidence of mass rape of [sic] so brutal that they broke their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children. [snip] ‘People whose heads have been cut off. Women standing in their night dresses woken up and shot. Faces blasted off. Heads smashed and their brains spilling out. A baby was cut out of a pregnant woman and beheaded and then the mother was beheaded."

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