Lefty elites cook up scheme to move San Diego's homeless to a Marine base with unexploded ordnance and live-fire gun ranges

It's amazing what the Marines have to put up with, situated as they are on the edge of a big blue city full of wokesters with bright ideas.

According to NBC News:

An idea to relocate thousands of homeless people living on the streets of San Diego to a camp at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar is gaining traction.

“Once you have, let's say 5,000 beds, a clean, healthy, safe, secure environment, then you can return to full rule of law in the streets, canyons and parks," businessman George Mullen said.

Mullen and partner Brian Caster came up with the Sunbreak Ranch concept 10 years ago. It's a plan to build a massive camp on base where the homeless can have access to centralized service without the influences that plague some on the streets.

The plan would require leasing several hundred acres of MCAS Miramar land.

You read that right, they want to move the bums out of the city and deposit them onto one of the Marine Corps bases. Way to go for military readiness, having the Marines deal with tent cities, open-air drug abuse, psychotic episodes of the users, plus all the local cartel drug dealers bringing the drugs in. They may claim to be a rehab center but this is what happens with rehab centers, and this sounds like a local booster bid to sweep the problems over to the Marines. Who wouldn't want to sign up for the Marines with a homeless encampment the local attraction on base?

The Marines, though, who need that land for military operations, have issued a facts-of-life warning to the local loonies about what they are actually asking for.

According to the Voice of San Diego, an indy paper in the city:

Monday, the Marine Corps sent a letter to Mayor Todd Gloria apparently intending to squash the idea, at least on the government’s land. The letter, from Col. T.M. Bedell, commanding officer of the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, explains why the military base is “not a suitable location” for such a concept.

The site is an approach corridor where four aircraft have crashed in the last 20 years, Bedell wrote. The land contains unexploded ordnance, sensitive vernal pool watersheds that support endangered species and three live-fire pistol and rifle training areas.

“These training ranges include surface danger zones and explosive safety arcs,” he wrote.

Explosive safety arcs? Unexploded ordnance? Live firing rifle and pistol ranges? Lots of plane crashes? 

That's right, they want to place the homeless and all their drug and drug-related mental health problems there.

What could go wrong?

It goes to show that the local lefties are fed up with the homeless ruining the city's downtown area, and they'd like to sweep the problem off to where only the Marines can see them.

The idea is a bad one, not just because putting hardened street bums in the vicinity of idealistic young servicemen and servicewomen is a recruitment killer, but because what's proposed is a vast new NGO empire, which will entrench itself as a continuous crisis that never gets solved, draw vast amounts of money, and eventually call the political shots as to what goes on on the Marine base. We've seen this dynamic very well in places like San Francisco. That they are planning this nonsense for a Marine base which served the entire country is a bad deal for the U.S., given the importance of military readiness. 

Based on the Voice of San Diego report, which came out with the original story, it appears that San Diego's mayor, lefty Todd Gloria, who's not the worst lefty out there, actually slyly commissioned the letter to be written to inform these starry-eyed woke dreamers that the location is, as the Marines put it dryly, "not suitable." Not even Gloria wanted this to happen, but the lefties insist they are holding onto the dream and will continue to push for it.

San Diego is a vast urban area that is filling up quickly as illegals roll in, apartment blocs go up, and leftists take over. One of the last areas of open land is at Miramar which is in the red-voting northern part of the city, which the lefties would obviously like to get their hands on to strike it rich.  

All signs suggest this bad idea is not going to happen, but the lefties insist they will keep lobbying. The homeless problem is not going to be solved by setting up another NGO taking over a Marine base with the claim that 'ours will be a really good rehab."  That they are proposing to place the homeless onto an area with unexploded ordnance tells us that their gambit isn't really about helping the homeless. It's about them, and their quest for an NGO empire.

Image: Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, photo by Lance Cpl. Owen Kimbrel // U.S. Marines // public domain

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