How does anyone explain the boosters and rah-rah clubs crawling out of the woodwork for Hamas?

In light of Hamas’ monstrous attack on Israel, which is often called its 9/11, the most horrific massacre of civilians since Israel’s founding, the brutal terror group actually has its defenders in the West. They have crawled out of the woodwork and made themselves known. It’s not just rogue-state leaders, though they are loud and proud for the killers. It’s the global left, which instead of taking the side of peace, rule of law, and civilization, has shown us what they are really about by taking the side of the barbarians.

I can’t believe the insanity I am seeing, just on Twitter alone.

The Squad, for one, won’t condemn the attack on Israel, merely pretending to be ‘peacemaker,’ solely targeting Israel’s response:



Particularly this one:



The Squad’s political base, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), is all over this, too, driving it, giving the Squad its talking points, leading the charge:



Meanwhile, in mediaville, the New York Times can’t bring itself to use the ‘t’ word:



MSNBC has made itself a mouthpiece for Hamas terrorists:



The terrorists themselves do a ‘prostration of gratitude’:



The Israel-haters like themselves those attacks on civilians:



Harvard’s best and brightest stepped up to the plate for the terrorist savages:





We have gaslighters:



Even sleazier gaslighting, from Iran. We thought they liked this massacre and were out celebrating it:



Meanwhile, Iran’s big mullah is openly cheering:



An utterly useless UN, loaded with Hamas’s best pals:



Most disturbingly, there are the rallies, lots of rallies, ostensibly to express support for the Palestinian people, but all about supporting Hamas their elected leaders. Who could possibly attend one, given the kinds of savagery we have seen -- rapes, killings, hostage-taking, all focused on civilians.

We knew there’d be one here:



But these bloodfest rallies defending the indefensible were all over:









Didn’t they say conservatives were the Nazis? Here’s the Nazis:



Here's another from the land of real Nazis:



Here's from the people the Israelis helped with their earthquake:



Canada has its Hamas boosters, too.



Plus leftist Canadian unions, stepping up for Hamas, too:



Someone claiming to speak for the entire nation of Malaysia:



As Paul Sperry exposed in one of his books, ‘Muslim Mafia,’ they’ve had quite a nest of them in Orange County, California, and apparently still do:



We shouldn’t be surprised they’ve got fans in terrorist-infested Karachi:



Or Kuwait, that nation the U.S. once freed back in the early 1990s:



Another Eurotrash rally:



And one in the capital of the free world:



In Salt Lake City, of all places:



And the Squad wants one of these with their name on it:



This isn’t all of them. It’s astonishing that given what is going on – the mass murder of civilians, particularly women and children in their homes, young people celebrating at a music festival, and elderly people at bus stops, the mass rapes and killings of women, the desecration of bodies, the takings of hostages, the killings of at least 9 Americans and 10 Brits – and these people defend the barbarians that did it.

Some reminders of what the barbarians did,. or as Omar would put it, "some people did something':











Victor Davis Hanson has an excellent summary of what is going on here.



One hopes that at least some of these people are ignorant of what Hamas has done. But unfortunately, they probably aren't. They are the world's Jew-haters, motivated by anti-Semitism, coming out of the woodwork. We can't explain where that hate comes from but at least we can see who they are as they cheer these atrocities. All told, the Hamas supporters have blood on their hands with their 'support' for evil and it’s utterly vile.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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