Even the swamp is starting to worry about Joe Biden's multiplying messes
Most of us in the hinterlands know that Joe Biden has been a catastrophe for our country, but Axios reports that now even the Washington swamp is starting to worry.
According to Axios bigs Jim Vanderhei and Mike Allen (emphasis added):
Never before have we talked to so many top government officials who, in private, are so worried about so many overseas conflicts at once.
Why it matters: We don't like to sound dire. But to sound a siren of clinical, clear-eyed realism: U.S. officials say this confluence of crises poses epic concern and historic danger.
Behind the scenes: Officials tell us that inside the White House, this was the heaviest, most chilling week since President Biden took office just over 1,000 days ago.
- Former Defense Secretary Bob Gates — who ran the Pentagon under presidents of both parties, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — tells us America is facing the most crises since World War II ended 78 years ago.
- He explains the White House's system overload like this: "There's this gigantic funnel that sits over the table in the Situation Room. And all the problems in the world end up coming through that funnel to the same eight or 10 people. There's a limit to the bandwidth those eight or 10 people can have."
Not one of the crises can be solved and checked off. All five could spiral into something much bigger:
The five crises Biden has created are Israel's war against Hamas terrorism; Russia coordinating with China to set how things are going to be in the Middle East; Iran in general and the potential for a Hezb'allah attack on Israel in particular, which they think would be a disaster if Israel takes on both terror groups at once; North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un firing his rockets wildly, and the specter of disinformation (as in deep-fake video) influencing public opinion as crises emerge.
Axios cites swamp thing Robert Gates, a former CIA director and Defense secretary, whom we all have grudging respect for for his accurate reading of Joe Biden in 2014 ("I think he's been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.") as the framer of these issues. He and his coevals tell Vanderhei and Allen that they fear these potential crises could all go bad fast and get out of control quickly, what with Joe Biden at the helm.
Worse still, the U.S. isn't looking very stable itself lately, with fears that unrest could hit the U.S., either with the Biden administration's bid to knock President Trump out of the 2024 presidential race with a jail term, or else the Palestinian crazies ensconced in the country rioting over their urge to kill Jews.
Gates didn't bring up the border, which is a whole other load of trouble and on multiple fronts. He and the fellow swampers cited by Axios did fear the crises could come together and merge.
Which underlines that the swamp (absent Gates), which put Joe Biden in place by fair or foul means as their figurehead, are getting nervous about the Frankenstein's monster they've created. They don't know what is going to happen, but they are nervous as heck that the tires of the Biden vehicle of state could blow out from any direction given the stress on them.
Maybe they should have thought of that before they put Joe Biden in power, conspiring as a team to rig the 2020 election as Molly Ball wrote about, and throwing out one dirty trick after another during Trump's presidency. They got what they wanted, and it's pretty obvious that Biden has neither the brains nor even the sentience to deal with the matters as a real president would.
Biden's not a real president. He's in there by cheating. Now that the tests are coming, Gates's words about Biden being wrong are coming to life, as are those of swamp king President Obama, who reportedly said: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”
Call it the wages of betrayal of democracy. Had these swampers just let the people decide who would be president, they would have no such worries.
What's bad here is that their worries could become our worries, too, as the brakes go out on the Biden bus. Thanks a lot, swamp things.
Image: Screen shot from a live broadcast, filtered with Adobe Camera Raw.